AC Installation & How to Stay Cool
Summer temperatures are great for spending time outdoors as long as AC installation or other methods are keeping the house as a cool haven. Going on picnics, hiking, swimming, bicycling and gardening can be lots of fun but taking a break to chill off will make the season much more pleasant.
There are various ways to keep one’s home at a comfortable temp including installing an air conditioner,

improving energy efficiency in the home, reducing the “hot” activities within a house during the heat of the day, using an evaporative cooler, making sure the windows are doing their optimum job and utilizing fans. Here are some ways to stay chilled out during the dog days of summer:
- Installing an AC: There are different types of air conditioning systems. Some are centrally located models that use vents and ductwork to deliver the colder air to all rooms within a house. Other units are designed for one room at a time. These might be models which are placed in a bedroom or living room window for the duration of the summer. Portable models on wheels that can be relocated from room to room are other options.
- Improved energy efficiency: There are several ways to improve energy efficiency without doing any major remodeling. One way is to insulate walls, crawl spaces or attics in order to keep the coolness inside where it’s desired. Another option is sealing all leaks and holes around window-frames and doorways. Weather stripping and caulking will be another step toward improved efficiency.
- Stopping the “hot” activities during the hottest portion of the day: The prime times of the day for high temps are from 10AM to around 4PM. Sun exposure is at its highest during those hours which means elevated temperatures all around.
It’s wise not to bake cakes, roasts or casseroles during those hours. Running a dryer is another “hot” activity which can translate into higher household temps. Saving these activities for cooler portions of the day or preparing foods that need less oven time will save money on utility bills and keep the internal climate more comfortable.
- Evaporative coolers: These appliances are a bit different than the traditional AC. They put a chill into the air by pushing water through the machinery and into the house to induce an evaporative cooling effect. They aren’t as effective during humid or rainy weather but work well when it’s dry outside.
- Windows: Having double or triple panes is one way of increasing efficiency. So is using them the old-fashioned way. Keeping windows open during the early morning, late evening and night hours and then closing them during the heat of the day with shades drawn is a great no-cost way to provide coolness. This is one way our forefathers and foremothers kept their cool.
- Fans: Ceiling or free-standing fans are also effective in cooling off household inhabitants. Fans use little electricity to run and can be a breath of fresh air.
In order to fully enjoy the glories of summer, having AC installation performed would be advantageous. Using other cooling off methods can make a big difference, too.