Air Conditioning Installation: Keep the Heat at Bay and Keep Summer Fun
Summer should be a time for fun, but increased heat means trouble for a lot of people. Here are a few ways to keep cool and keep yourself and those around you safe this summer.
One of the most important things to remember in the hot weather is to make sure you are drinking lots of fluids. Heat means sweat,

and sweat means your body will need a lot more water in order to not get dehydrated. You should try to drink straight water as much as you can and avoid sugared beverages or alcohol. Both of these can increase your chances of dehydration. Even if you’re inside in the air conditioning and you don’t feel thirsty, make sure you are getting a glass of water every few hours. When you leave the building and have to deal with the heat, you’ll want your body to be ready for it.
If you’re going to be outside, make sure you wear light clothing and sun block. Try to limit your outdoor time to early and late in the day when the temperatures aren’t as bad. At home, if you keep your shades drawn to block out the sun, you can hold off some of the heat. Air conditioning installation is the ideal prevention for overheating. If you cannot afford central air, consider having an AC unit put in just one room. This will offer a place of respite when other rooms in the house get oppressively hot.
Children and the elderly are among the most at risk individuals for heat stroke. Both groups are sensitive to high temperatures and in many cases they depend on others to monitor and regulate their surroundings. If you are caring for children or an elderly relative, make sure to keep an eye out for them and their comfort.
Keep their rooms cool with fans, or in the best case scenario, through the air conditioning installation. Symptoms of heat stroke include nausea, confusion, loss of consciousness, a fast pulse, hot dry skin with no sweating, and a high temperature. If you or anyone around you is exhibiting any of these warning signs, you should try to cool them down, get them to drink some water, and call on a medical professional.
If you have an elderly neighbor who you know is on their own, check in on them to make sure that their home is kept adequately cool. This is especially important if they don’t have air conditioning installation in their home. Heat related sickness and death should be 100% preventable, so use your common sense this summer to take care of yourself and those around you. Keep cool and make sure that summer stays fun!