Air Conditioning Troubleshooting
Problems with the AC unit? The article below will provide you with a few troubleshooting tips to help you out.
Millions of Americans use air conditioning units to create a comfortable and cool environment during the summer months. These devices are made to last for many years with regular maintenance and care. However,

if and when issues come about, you’ll want to perform some basic troubleshooting in hopes of resolving the problem before calling in a professional. In this article, we will walk you through a few basic air conditioning troubleshooting tips to help ensure your unit’s full functionality.
Step 1 – Start with the basics. Make sure that your unit is properly plugged into a secure power outlet. If you find that the unit is plugged in properly, try unplugging it and reattaching a small appliance, such as a lamp or alarm clock to make sure that the outlet it functioning correctly. If the appliance does not work in the outlet, check the breaker box and reset the fuse.
Step 2 – If you can hear the unit running, but are not getting the desired results, check to ensure that the main power switch on the unit is set to the “on” position and the thermostat is at a cool temperature. Be sure to note that the temperature on the thermostat must be at a lower point than the ambient temp.
Step 3 – If the unit does not appear to be functioning properly, make sure that the unit is not covered of blocked in any way. The area around the unit should be free and clear. The vents should not be blocked and have proper airflow.
Step 4 – If you happen to notice frost on the condenser coils, or if the unit is running noisy, turn the unit off and unplug it from the power source. Remove the access panel and clean the coils with the aid of a small brush. Any dirt you find at the bottom of the unit should be removed with a clean cloth or vacuum. If frost is apparent, you should allow it to melt before beginning to clean the unit.
Step 5 – If the unit is not cooling as expected, the air filter should be removed and cleaned thoroughly with cold soapy water. Make sure to rinse the filter and place it in a dry, cool space to air-dry before returning it back to the unit.
Step 6 – If the motor is running but no air is apparent, remove and access panel and inspect the blades. Grab a clean cloth and remove any excess dirt that you may find on the blades, ensuring that the fan can rotate properly. If you find that the blades are stiff or damaged, make sure to contact a air conditioning professional technician immediately. If you find that the fan is functioning properly, the issue may lie with the compressor… also resulting in professional assistance.
Step 7 – If the steps above do nothing to rectify the situation, make sure to call an air conditioning repair professional to inspect the unit.