If you have little ones you appreciate the incredible value that goes along with having the proper carpet cleaning equipment. Of course there are always situations in which you aren't exactly certain which carpet and rug cleaning device to use.
A good rule of thumb is to first address the stain and then plan your line of attack. For the most part,the smaller the stain the smaller the proper piece of equipment will be.
Home Remedies for Small Stains
A quick look at most steam cleaning equipment will show a series of small attachments. The sole purpose of these tools is to spot clean and should be used accordingly in order to get out the smaller stains from your carpet.
Another factor to consider is how recent the spill you are cleaning is. Fresh spills are easiest to clean and should be blotted in order to remove the moisture before anything else is done. The quicker your blot,the less likely your stain will have time to set in. A word of caution however,excessive blotting can actually cause more damage to the fibers of your carpet rather than the deep cleaning benefit most people assume.
If you feel you need a little something in order to get a sufficient clean you should keep a supply of baking soda,vinegar,and rubbing alcohol on hand for spot removal of stubborn carpet stains. Also be sure to keep plenty of paper towels and a spray bottle on hand for these occasions. Amazingly enough,carpet cleaning tools can be anything from paper towels to much more expensive commercial grade carpet and rug cleaning machines.
While stains in your carpet can be a pain to remove,its important to remember to never rub a stain. Continue to blot the stain until it comes clean. Rubbing will break down the fibers of your carpet and rug and may even spread the stain.
Did you know that cats and dogs are color blind? This is a good thing if you see red spots on your carpet where your pet just lost their lunch. Those spots are caused by the red dye in their food. Switch them to a neutral colored food and they wont know the difference. Using a 30/70 mixture of peroxide to water is good for this.
One of the toughest stains to remove is that from magic marker. The majority of department store and janitorial departments carry a product called DeSolvit. WD40 and Orange Clean can also do wonders getting rid of these stubborn stains. Remember to blot on,set for 30 minutes,and blot to remove. Rinsing with sudsy water will also help. Magic markers are usually permanent,so you may not be able to remove them.
No need to be afraid of finding the right carpet cleaning tools for your home. If you take the proper action immediately after a spill is created,you can usually find all the answers you need right around your home to remove its unsightly scene. If all else fails, commercial carpet and rug cleaning equipment does exist to help you out. While some may be expensive,its still a cheaper alternative to replacing the carpet. Just remember that learning what the stain is made of,how old the stain is and of course, the size of the stain,will help you in establishing how to get rid of the stain.
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