This 21st century world is being dominated by gadgets and internet. With technology having taken gigantic steps, the criminals have become more danger...
This 21st century world is being dominated by gadgets and internet. With technology having taken gigantic steps,

the criminals have become more dangerous since they can now not only arm themselves with superior weapons but can also break passwords and codes. The point is that they are not just the muscle-flexing goons but some of them are also technical geniuses. Therefore, we are seeing a huge growth in demand for a number of security devices including automated gates and FOB systems.
Advantages of Automated gates:
You must have come across automated gates in the malls and railway tubes. But, these days, they can also be seen in official buildings, commercial chambers and even in residential houses. In fact, every well-to-do person now is quick to replace his conventional doors with automated gates. And there’s every reason for him to do so.
Firstly, these are extremely sophisticated and alluring to look at. They enjoy glamour and glaze and have a high-class modern touch about them. Being social people, we love to show off our wealth and flaunt our status and since everyone, to an extent, is under this snobbish effect, there is nothing better than a beautiful looking automated gate.
Secondly, these automated gates are so designed that they offer greater security. Some of them are even remote-controlled operated which makes it very difficult (and sometimes even impossible) for an intruder to break in. Once such gates have been locked by remotes, a trespasser won’t be able to get in.
Thirdly, these gates can be customized to suit your needs. They are available in a variety of designs and price range. You can choose different types of gates for different needs (official, domestic or industrial). Some special ones are resistant to stains and are mostly sought by the industry owners so that the doors are safe from the stains and fumes of toxic factory gases.
Advantages of FOB systems:
FOB systems, like the automated gates, have also gained significantly in popularity. FOB systems have been instrumental in curtailing some of the lock-related problems that people, especially those engaged in commercial activities, have been facing over the last few years. The merits of FOB systems can be gauged from the demerits of other lock systems.
For instance, the conventional simple lock can be broken or melted by the use of any acidic or corrosive substance. The FOB locks do not suffer from such weakness. They are virtually impregnable.
Secondly, and more importantly, the modern day locks that are code-encrypted or carry password have some hassles. These hassles arise when someone forgets the password, changes the password or shares the password with a third party. Also, for key-based locks, the problem arises if the key gets lost or misplaced or if someone shrewdly prepares a duplicate key.
These demerits are easily overcome by a FOB lock which uses PIN to identify a person’s authenticity. In case, an unauthorized person tries to break the lock, the doors get sealed and the intruder is barred from entering.