Be Prepared Ahead of Time for Heating Repair
How prepared are you for that inevitable heating repair? By planning ahead and documenting some information, you can reduce your stress and have the repairs completed quickly and without incident.
Certainly you cannot always anticipate when your furnace is going to quit and you will be faced with calling a heating repair company. However,

you can be prepared for the event as it is likely to occur at some point during your homeownership. Putting a plan in place will alleviate stress, especially if your heat stops working in the middle of the winter.
First of all, write down what kind of furnace you have and the serial number that is on it. You will also want to note what type and size of filters you need (this information is always handy to have ready). You will want to note the age of the furnace and when the last repairs were completed (if any). Next, you will want to pre-research heating repair companies.
You should check out a few heating repair companies so that you know exactly who to call when your heat is not working. Add the names and phone numbers of these companies to the information you wrote about your furnace. If you have used a company in the past and have been pleased with their work, then make sure you add them too. You can prioritize your list based on the most trusted companies in your area if you so desire.
Next, you should put this information in a safe but accessible place. If you have a general file on home information, then that is a good place to put this paper. You want to remember where it is without having to dig through an entire filing cabinet to find it. This document you have created is useful because it acts as an action plan when your furnace bites the dust. Simply pull out the paper and start calling the companies on the list. At one glance you will be able to tell them the age of your furnace and the serial number. This will allow them to be prepared to help when they arrive.
You should also consider what you would do if you had no heat for a day or two. You will need an adequate way to stay warm, especially if you have children or pets. An electric space heater or heat fan will work well in a small area. However, you might want to ask a friend or relative if you can stay with them while the heating repair is being completed. Also, do not forget to take measures to protect your pipes from freezing. Open up any cabinets (such as under the sink) to allow air to flow and keep the pipes from freezing and bursting. You can also allow the faucets to drip as an extra measure to prevent the freezing.
Heating repair is pretty much inevitable, but if you are prepared it will be a no-sweat situation that may displace you for a day or two but not have you stressing too much.