Be Sure you Have a Chimney Cap

Oct 22


Bob B. Hamilton

Bob B. Hamilton

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If you have a chimney it is best for you to get a cap for it. A cap is a piece of metal designed especially to fit over the opening of your chimney. There are plenty of reasons why you should use one.


If you have a chimney it is best for you to get a cap for it.  A cap is a piece of metal designed especially to fit over the opening of your chimney.  There are plenty of reasons why you should use one.

Birds routinely seek out shelter inside of chimneys because of their warmth.  However,Be Sure you Have a Chimney Cap Articles an invasion by one of these winged creatures can cause an obstruction in your chimney whenever they build a nest.  Raccoons are also known to cause problems in the openings of chimneys.  Chimney caps will help keep all types of animals out.

Without a cover on the chimney's opening rain and snow are free to fall inside.  If you have a masonry chimney the moisture will start to degrade the bricks and mortar.  Eventually you will need to make repairs to keep the chimney operating efficiently.  The buildup of moisture can also cause bad smells to invade your home.

Chimney caps are also useful if you live in an area subjected to frequent high winds.  These high winds will keep your chimney from drafting properly, so smoke ends up being blown back into your home.  Having a cap on the top will help increase the chimney's draft.

It is important to note that it is vital to use a chimney cap which is sized and installed properly.  If it is not then it will hamper the draft of the chimney.  This can cause smoke to enter your home and also causes the fire to burn less efficiently.  If you live in a windy area and do not install the cap properly it may even be blown off.  If it is damaged you will be forced to buy a new one.

There are many different types of chimney caps on the market.  Some are designed solely to do their job while others are designed for both functionality as well as beauty.  In addition to all of the shapes and styles available you can also find caps made from various types of materials with stainless steel and copper being two of the most popular choices.

You should also be aware that some chimney caps are fitted with small screens.  These screens help keep animals and debris from getting into your chimney.  However it is important for you to check these screens frequently because soot and creosote can build up on them.  If too much builds up on the screens it will certainly reduce the efficiency of your fireplace.