Bed Bugs: What Bites in the Night
Bed bugs have made their comeback, and there's something to be done about it. At home, careful cleaning and prevention methods can reduce the chance any rogue hitchhikers have of surviving. Travelers should think of checking for these pests as a routine part of their stay; it's unfortunate, but a common problem across the world and in all types of places. There are several telltale signs of an infestation. A professional can help assess the situation and effectively exterminate bed bugs and their eggs.
Bed bugs are something most people hope they will never have to worry about. These tiny little creatures are not to be taken lightly though—they can easily sneak into the cleanest of homes. They're something the hospitality industry and travelers have to watch out for,

but a little education goes a long way in the prevention of any critter-related incidents.
First, what exactly are bed bugs? It's a small-scale vampire! That's a bit of an exaggeration, but they do enjoy human blood. They are tiny, apple seed shaped and a dark reddish-brown color. Their abdomen may be slightly darker due to their consumption of blood. As with any other parasite, they travel by attaching themselves to bedding, clothing, furniture or an individual's body. Their hitchhiking makes anywhere that people travel to—including hotels, hostels, hospitals, single-family homes and apartment complexes—prone to infestations.
When traveling, be sure to check the bed, especially bed seams and in dark crevices, to see if there are any signs of insects. It is best to check at night, and two big giveaways are eggs, dark specks (excrement), small rust-colored stains (blood) and shed skins. Travelers may consider going online to check out the Bed Bug Registry, which includes user-generated reports of incidents in hotels across the United States and Canada. However, if there's a particular place you're interested in staying at that has bad reviews, call and see if they've treated their facilities recently. They may have decided to clean up their act!
In the unfortunate case that you find one of these small dark insects or notice relevant symptoms, it's important not to ignore them. They are not polite guests, and will never leave without being handled in a strategic manner. While they can't transmit diseases, they cause itching, rashes or even hives or other allergic reactions. Bites may be singular or arranged in a group, and are usually on exposed skin such as the face, neck and extremities. Irritation from their bites can usually be eased with hydrocortisone or an antihistamine.
How can a person minimize their presence or ability to survive in a household? Basic cleaning can do a great deal; make sure to vacuum thoroughly, wash clothing and bedding in extremely hot water and drying at medium to high temperatures in a dryer. If you suspect a problem in your home, you may consider a professional consultation or try to solve the problem on your own. You may be advised to throw out items that are too difficult to treat, such as sofas, mattresses or box springs. Be sure to research methods of extermination to make sure you do not expose yourself or others to harmful substances. For heavier-duty cleaning, such as the cleaning of luggage or dry cleaning, you may consider having these items professionally laundered. For those who want to be sure of elimination, a professional exterminator is a good call. An experienced pest control service can help you assess and correct your problem!
These insects can infest everything from the lowest motel to the nicest penthouse. When in a new place, always be aware of your surroundings and physical symptoms to avoid transporting bed bugs!