With the world faced with a severe energy crisis, many of us shall want to take advantage of electricity bills get reduced.
It’s time to pay bills! And we get little upset when we see the electricity bills that come at the end of every month.
Most of us think that the rise in electricity bill is directly contributed to number of electrical gadgets present at home. This is not true! The high electricity bills not at all directly affected to the number of gadgets at home, but depend the way one uses them.
Saving power is responsibility of all in the family and it is important that every member of the household should be aware of the techniques saving energy.
Buy the energy saver gadgets that are available in the market. Such gadgets will monitor the intake of the entire power supply in your house and makes you take decision on how to control the usage.
Tips given below will help you reduce the power bills to a certain extent, if followed wisely:
· Make sure all electrical gadgets, except the refrigerator, are switched off if planning a trip.
· Replace the incandescent bulbs with energy saving (CFL) lamps.
· Use the washing machine only when you’ve enough clothes.
· The monitor of a PC consumes maximum power, switch off the monitor when not in use.
· Switch on the geysers and heaters only just 10 minutes prior to use. Air-conditioners should be kept at a minimum temperature point at all times.
Taking care of these steps will surely lead us to savings in the long run. Besides, you have an option to try alternative resources like wind energy, solar power, tide power and magnetic energy etc. and such an alternate energy solution for home will help you cut down power bills.
The free energy technology offers the world pollution-free green energy and saving on energy bills at the same time. There are countless people worldwide using this free electric magnetic system. By adopting this electric energy system for your home would easily cut down power bills by 80% from the first month itself.
Magnet driven free electric energy is based on magnetic perpetual motion. It is small enough to fit in any space in your home. Just imagine using the free magnetic energy to generate power for your home without any additional cost.
You shall be saving a huge amount of power bills per month when you can create free magnetic energy in the confines of your home and use the same to run your electric operated appliances.
Other alternate power solutions like the solar power system and the wind power system are the most popular - Though wind power is a great idea, not all of us can implement it at our homes since wind power system need a large area and the average wind speed of 11 miles per hour.
The solar generator is a device that runs all your electrical appliances using the solar energy. This device converts solar energy into electrical energy using photovoltaic cells. The solar generator is also referred to as the solar lighting system. The solar generator stores electrical energy in cells for later use. Installing a solar generator at home is a great power-saving and cost-saving idea.
Implementing a solar thermal system or solar heating system at home takes care of your home’s temperature needs. You can maintain a steady temperature at your house without worrying about bills.
You can build your own solar panels from home and most of the parts can be found from your local hardware store.
With the ever increasing costs of living, there is no better time than right now to stop throwing money and start generating our own electricity. It is high time you learned more about this free electric energy system and cut down your power bills.
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