Cleaning Gutters Is a Completely Necessary Chore
Cleaning your gutters may not be your favorite chore, but it is one you absolutely need to tackle. Before you do, learn what tips and tricks may make it go a little easier.
One of the easiest ways to extend the life of your roof is by properly and regularly cleaning your gutters. The gutter system is vital to the collection and runoff of water,

and if it is not cleaned out regularly, that water will sit and mold or mildew will begin to form. This damages your roof and can also cause health problems for your family.
Many homeowners put off gutter cleaning, because it is an unpleasant chore. However, doing so is a dangerous prospect. In addition to the problems neglecting it can cause for your roof, it can also cause problems to your home's foundation. If the rainwater runs straight off the roof in sheets, it will saturate the soil by the foundation of the home. This can cause problems with your foundation, including leaks into your home.
To clean your gutters, you will first need to access them safely. Choose a solid, sturdy ladder that can reach to the roofline or a scaffolding system. Climb to the top, and then scoop out the debris inside section of gutter you can reach. You can do this using a small hand shovel or with your gloved hand. Carry a bucket with you to collect the debris so that you are not littering your driveway with it. Tie this bucket to your waist with a loose rope or bungee cord so your hands are free. A garbage bag that is strong enough to hold the heavy debris can also work.
Do not touch the debris with your bare hands. It will have mold and bacteria in it that could make you sick. You can also purchase a gutter scoop at your local hardware store, but this is not a necessity.
After all debris has been removed, take a look at your gutters. They will likely be coated with a slimy residue. You need to remove as much of this as possible. A gutter cleaning brush is a good tool to use to do so. After you have scrubbed the gutter system, rinse it with your garden hose.
If this sounds like too much work, you can also use a pressure washer to clean the gutter system. This works well if you do not have severe clogs, and it can make the process go by much more quickly. However, balancing on a ladder while using a pressure washer can prove challenging. Make sure you are up for the task, and get some experience using a pressure washer before you attempt to use it above the ground.
No matter how careful you are, cleaning your gutters can be dangerous simply because you are off of the ground on a ladder. To protect yourself, you might want to consider hiring a seasoned professional to do the job. If you do opt to tackle it yourself to save money, make sure you are using the ladder or scaffolding safely, and do not take risks when you are working above the ground. Remember, your safety should be your number one concern with any maintenance task you do around your home.