The Coalescer is a static device for the removal of solids and free water from Distillate and Light Liquid Fuels and Mineral Lubricating Oils.
The cartridge combines a long life depth type pre- filter media designed to give extended life by the removal of pipe scale, rust, waxes and asphaltenes that would otherwise cause the coalescent media to blind.
The pre-filter, together with the first and second stage coalescing medias effectively combine small droplets of water into large droplets which are then separated from the oil flow by gravity.
A final stripper screen is fitted to further minimise any risk of carry over of small droplets into the clean oil discharge.
The purified oil is discharged at the top of the housing, while the water is drained from the bottom.
The small droplets of water are intercepted by fibers and because of the hydrophilic nature of the fibers, are retained. As the number of droplets collected increases, they join together to form a layer of water.
The flow of the oil then pushes this water through the media to the outside where it forms large droplets on the socksurrounding the cartridge.
These droplets then grow until they reach a size which causes them to fall off and drop to the bottom of the housing through gravity.
Find a wide selection of coalescers at SonomaTesting.
Oil Bath Filters
Original air filters were a paper thing that allowed air to pass while trapping dirt particles of a certain size. If you looked inside an old tractor's air filter case it appears that they were filled with the scrap metal swept from around a machine shop metal lathe. You also have a cup with oil in it (this is a pretty ingenious method of cleaning the air in the tractor's intake tract).Ultrafit Cartridges
You can now have OEM performance without the high cost of filter housing retrofit.The Story of Hydraulic Fluids
The original hydraulic fluid, dating back to the time of ancient Egypt, was water. In today's applications synthetic hydraulic fluid has been specifically designed to help improve the energy efficiency of the machinery in which it is used. Its primary function is to convey power. Hydraulic systems will work most efficiently if the hydraulic fluid used has low compressibility. Other important functions of hydraulic fluid include protection of the hydraulic machine components.