Conversion Through Electrical Transformers
How do electrical transformers work to convert your energy and why would you need to convert it if you have a high voltage transformer? Learn this and more.
No matter where you live,

electricity is very important to your daily life. It is nearly impossible to cook, clean, or stay warm in the winter or cool in the summer without some type of electricity. The way that we get power transmitted from the source or from town to town is through electrical transformers.
These transformers are used to change electrical power into different forms, usually from a higher voltage to a lower voltage so that the electrical energy can be used in the average home. This transformation is done by using magnets to induce the energy between the coils, converting the voltage into a usable form.
These electrical transformers usually have a core that is ferromagnetic and multiple coils, also known as "windings". By changing he current in the main winding you are able to create a core with an alternate magnetic field. The magnetic field is then multiplied through the secondary windings, thus creating the new voltage in each of the non-primary coils. There are two main phases of this new configuration. These may be single or three-phase and are often found in the output options, DC or direct current or AC, or alternating current.
A common electrical transformer has one of two types of cores. These are:
- Toroidal, which consist of copper wire around a circular core so that the magnetic flux is not able to come out of the coil. It is fairly efficient and is not easily influenced by the magnetic flux.
- Laminated, which means that the core is made of laminated steel. These are usually insulated with a material that does not conduct such as varnish. This helps reduce the amount of electricity lost. These types include the autotransformer, instrument, distribution, and general-purpose transformer.
The most common type of electrical transformers are high voltage ones. When you have a high voltage transformer you usually also have the power to distribute, isolate, control and instrument all its applications as well. Most do require, however, the principle to induce magnetism and convert it between coils. When looking for the best high voltage transformer to meet your electrical conversion needs you need to make sure that its specifications include the maximum secondary voltage ratings, current ratings, maximum power rating, and the type of output it gives.
If you have any questions on whether or not you need electrical transformers to convert your energy and what kind of specifications you need your transformer to have for your conversion to work best, contact the manufacturer of your electrical transformer.