Custom Swimming Pools Home Entertainment
Custom swimming pools can add entertainment to one’s home. Here are some things to think about.
Custom swimming pools can be a private entertainment oasis in a homeowner’s backyard. With the economy in a down slope,
many individuals are saving money by staying home instead of going away on vacation. Day trips or in-your-own-home respites are cutting edge in terms of resting and relaxation. Money is saved on pricey hotel tabs and plane tickets. The car stays parked in the garage instead of filling up with gas to drive to the vacation site. Not only is this good for the wallet, it’s good for the planet. Not driving or flying all over the place reduces one’s carbon footprint. DVDs and movies streamed to the living room’s flat screened television, dinners cooked at home and a swim in the backyard pool is better than most vacations anyway. No travel delays, waiting around in airports or sitting at red lights. No leaving Rover at the kennels while the family is away either.
What type of amenities might a homeowner select for their private entertainment oasis? Here are a few things to think about:
- A Cabana: A cabana is a poolside room with space for lounging, changing clothes and might even provide guest quarters if a futon was added. A shady overhang could provide a place to dine in rain or sunshine.
- A Jacuzzi or spa: When designing the layout of the swimming space, adding a Jacuzzi or spa can give another dimension of soak-ability. Unwinding in the evenings in warm, whirling water can make a person sleep like a rock. Building a spa into the plan is like getting a “two for one” – pool and hot tub.
- Water features: How about a waterfall crashing against faux rocks for a splash of ambience? This can be drawn into the plans, as well. Waterfalls are Feng Shui “yeses.”
- BBQ or cook top: In the lazy days of summer, cooking dinner outside and eating it there too can be a huge treat. Great for hosting parties as well. Not heating up the house with a hot oven will cut down on energy bills, too.
- Have you heard of a negative edge? We’re not talking about a cranky person. No – this is a design technique which makes it look like a pool’s water is spilling over the edge. This is especially wonderful if a home’s property has a lovely view to take advantage of.
- Fountains: Sprays of H2O can add a dimension of visual pleasure. The fountain can come from the side or center of the structure. Not only does it look cool, it actually is. This fresh cold spray cools off a pool’s temperature which may be warming up due to the sun’s rays.
- Decking: What type of decking do you want? It can be a cement product tinted to a favorite color. It can be faux stone or brick work. The imagination’s the limit when designing one’s own swimming hole.
Custom swimming pools add to the livability of a home. There’s no need to buy plane tickets, make hotel reservations or gas up the car when relaxation is available right in the backyard.