Do you know about EPC? Get Knowledge Here.
This article is written for public benefits. If you read this article, it will give you a clear concept about Energy Performance Certificate aka EPC.
What is an
Energy Performance Certificates (EPCs) provide information on the energy usage in your homes,

tell you how you can improve energy efficiency and reduce carbon dioxide emissions. EPCs were introduced in August 2007 as part of the Home Information Packs (HIPs) for buildings. EPCs provide ratings between 'A' and 'G' - 'A' being the most energy efficient, and 'G' being the least. These ratings can be used to determine how much more energy efficiency you can bring into your homes. There is a recommendation report which gives you suggestions on how this can be achieved, as well has how to cut costs by saving energy.
Who needs an
"An EPC is required when a building is constructed, sold or let". It can either be one building or could have separate parts designed to be used separately, in which case each would require an EPC. For a building to require an EPC, it must have a roof and walls, and also it must use energy to control the climate inside. This includes air conditioning, heating, etc.
Buildings that do not require an EPC include industrial sites, workshops or agricultural properties, standalone buildings which have a total useful area of less than 50 square meters and places of worship. Temporary buildings which are planned to be in use for less than two years also do not require an EPC. An area with an opening with lighting, such as a car park would not require an EPC.
How can you get an EPC?
When you buy a home, the seller must give you an EPC Certificate for the building. An accredited Domestic Energy Assessor (DEA) is qualified to perform the assessment and issue an EPC using specialized, Government approved software. They inspect the property thoroughly with respect to energy consumption, along with the various fixtures and fittings and then provide a recommendation report that contains the energy efficiency rating as well as the measures for improvement. An EPC is valid for ten years.
Why is it important to have an EPC?
Surveys have shown that close to 40% of the energy consumption in the UK comes from domestic usage such as lighting, air conditioning etc. Hence it is very important to understand how we can optimize energy consumption and reduce emission of carbon dioxide. This in turn not only saves costs at an individual level, but also does wonders for the environment. EPCs not only give the energy efficiency rating of a home, but also provide information on what you can do to optimize your home's energy usage.