Carpenter ants are menacing not only to a number of people but to a whole lot of the population. These ants can really wreak a lot of havoc in Oregon.
If you want to protect yourself against carpenter ants,

you are not alone. These ants can really wreak a lot of havoc in Oregon.
They are a threat around the country, but especially in the Pacific Northwest, due to the plentiful forests and wildlife that abound there. Therefore, many people tend to live in close proximity to ant locations.
About carpenter ants:
First of all, they don’t eat wood like termites do. Instead, they make galleries in the wood to live in. Here they raise their young. The colonies could be as large as 2,000-3,000 each. When the ant colony gets bigger, they eventually outgrow their old location, and they must then find a new colony.
The new colony is generally located very near the old one. While the old colony is often made up of a queen, young larvae and worker ants, the new colony (known as the satellite colony) has the mature larvae, pupae, workers and winged reproductive ants.
This is where your home gets involved. The satellite colonies are the ones that often are established inside or near homes. This is because of the close proximity to food and water. In many instances they choose to develop satellite colonies in the house, due to the readily available crumbs in many houses.
The majority of the carpenter ants found in Oregon are one of two species-the camponotousmodoc and the camponotousvicinus ants. They usually live in standing trees, logs or stumps - so getting rid of them is important.
However, how do you eliminate them? It is not easy. Here are 3 tips that can work:
#1) Cut off the source
One of the best options is to just trace them back to where they are getting inside, and then block that entrance point. You can also sprinkle baby powder or garlic cloves by the entrance, as ants are repelled by these substances.
#2) Get rid of crumbs
Even though you block the entrance point, it is very important to clean up the crumbs in your house. This will keep them away for good.
#3) Consider hiring an exterminator
One of the best methods to get rid of them is to simply hire an exterminator. They are often much more effective than you would be at getting rid of them permanently. The right company can also give you advice on how to keep the ants away.
Getting rid of ants and keeping them away will take some due diligence. However, if you use these 3 guidelines, you will see results shortly, and protect your house for the future.