Don't Pass Up Your Dream Home Because of the Fixtures
An overview on how a home restoration company can help you restore your bathroom fixtures instead of replacing them.
The real estate market is ripe for the pickings right now so if you are considering becoming a first time home owner this is as good as it will probably get for a long time to come to find a home that you and your family can grow into. When you are buying a home your first considerations are probably finding a home that is in the right location and offers you enough size to grow into it. In a normal market that wasn’t always easy to accommodate depending on the inventory on the market at the time. Today,

there is more inventory on the market than clients to buy it all so you can be very selective about your choices.
Don’t pass up on a home that would be otherwise perfect except for the worn but still functional bathroom fixtures. Bath tubs, toilets, showers and sinks are made of ceramic or other long lasting materials such as fiberglass and they are built to last a long time. The glaze finish however that gives your fixtures a low luster sheen, doesn’t always last as long.
Harsh cleaning agents and improper care can make the sheen less lustrous and make fixtures look old and worn when they aren’t. The bottom line- small fixable problems like this can keep a good house on the market way to long because potential home buyers think these issues are expensive repair or replacement jobs.
In reality you can have a home restoration company come in and re-glaze all of your fixtures to restore them to their new glory days and make your bathroom tub, toilet, sink and counter look as good as they did the day they were installed. You can also have a home restoration company come in to your home and change the color of your fixtures instead of yanking them out and replacing them with different colored fixtures to create a matching set in the bathroom.
If the last home owners thought every fixture should be some odd ball color that you aren’t married to, you don’t have to pass up a house you want or pay through the nose to change everything out in an expensive remodeling job. Simply re-glazing your fixtures can create the change you want and need without the expensive tag you don’t need.
If your shower enclosure is in good shape but looks dated you may be tempted to pull it but before you do consider having a home restoration company do some restoration work on it instead. You can have the shower re-glazed or retiled to create a new look and save yourself a lot of time and headache in the process.
Before you pass up your dream house, because of simple home restoration needs, make sure you fully investigate what it would cost to implement these changes and you may be pleasantly surprised to discover you can have your dream home and your dream appliances without the hefty price tag required for a full remodel.