Factors to Consider Regarding AC Installation
One of the great homeowner debates: Do I install central air or get by with a window unit? Depending on your location and your needs, you can make do with either option.
Keeping your home cool in the summer can be accomplished best with air conditioning. The question for most people comes when they are trying to decide between central air and window or wall units. While both systems have their merits,

they also have a few drawbacks. AC installation experts focus mainly on central air conditioning, since window and wall units are easier to install for the average homeowner.
If you already have forced air heat in your home and your ductwork is intact, then installing central air would not be very difficult. The same ductwork that conducts hot air in the winter will conduct the cold air in the summer. However, if your home has radiators or baseboards, it is going to take a lot more work to install a central air conditioning system to your home. Ductwork will need to be installed or an alternative method of cooling will need to be considered. It is not impossible in most cases, but it is more time consuming and possibly more expensive.
In more humid climates, central air conditioning may do a better job at reducing humidity throughout your home. Large spaces are also better controlled with central units than with window units. While AC installation is more expensive initially for central air, it is usually less expensive long-term if you are cooling your entire home. There are energy efficient units available, and your AC installation representative can describe and explain all available options to you.
If you live in a more arid area, window units may prove to be effective enough for your needs. Additionally, if you only need to cool 1 or 2 rooms then you may be better off using a window unit. It makes more fiscal sense to only pay to cool the areas needed rather than the entire home.
AC installation is possible to be completed by the homeowner. However, not every homeowner is a born do-it-yourself guru. When looking for air conditioners, keep in mind that central installation is usually provided by the company that is selling the unit. Window units are much easier to install by yourself, but you may find that having a friend help you gets the job done easier and with less frustration.
Cost is an important factor to consider when deciding upon AC installation. A central unit is going to cost more up-front. However, window units typically do not last as long and are not as energy efficient. You will need to decide what benefits are important to you and what obstacles are not as difficult to overcome. Some homes do not have windows that are conducive to air conditioners. These would take quite a bit of work to make a unit fit. Window units do come in various sizes and can handle different capacities. You will need to know your window measurements and square footage of the room to be cooled when you are shopping for the unit.
It is best to consider your options before the hot summer days arrive. This way, you will have your AC needs met and you can enjoy a comfortable, humidity free summer in your home.