Garage Floor Mats: Top 10 Reasons Why You Need Them
Easy to install and affordable are just two benefits to using garage floor mats. Find out 10 other reasons why garage flooring may be a great option for your home.
Our house was built in the 1970's,

and the inside has been mostly updated, but the garage is still a bit of a throwback in time. There is no dry wall, and the floor is looking its age. It is time for an update, and garage floor mats is the perfect solution. So what is wrong with the concrete surface? Why would anyone want to put a special floor down in their garage? Well, here are the top 10 benefits of using garage floor mats.
- For me, it is because my garage floor is old. There are oil and grease stains, and some minor cracks. Garage floor mats will cover this up, and along with the new dry wall and paint, my garage will have a new modern look.
- Similar to the first reason, they look great AND protect your garage floor. If your house is newer, this is a great opportunity. You don't have to be wealthy and have a fancy garage to have a red and black checkered floor; interlocking, affordable garage floor mats will do the trick. Just get two different colors and create the pattern you like. And along with the great look, you will protect your floor so that it doesn't become like mine.
- They are resistant to many products. This includes oil, gas, grease and other petroleum based products. Also resistant to antifreeze and other common household chemicals. Not only can most mats withstand these products, but most are also stain resistant so they keep their good looks. This leads to the next benefit.
- Easy to clean. If you do spill something on the garage floor mats, or a lot of mud and dirt falls off your car during the winter, just hose them down or wipe them off.
- They are really tough! Most garage floor mats are designed to withstand a variety of temperature extremes, and also to withstand the weight of really heavy vehicles.
- They are slip resistant, most using a slip resistant tread. This can really be important for a variety of reasons, ranging from doing a lot of work with cars to having small kids running around who may have slick shoes during wet weather.
- Easy to install. I have looked at a variety of garage floor mats, and almost all are really easy to install. They do not require any special tools, most just snap together. Which leads to the next benefit.
- If you move, many brands can be disassembled so you can take your floor with you to your next home (other brands are peel and stick, so this is not an option, though they are also easy to install).
- They are comfortable to walk on and can reduce fatigue if you work in your garage a lot, whether as a mechanic or for various hobbies such as wood working.
- You can install any size you want. You may want to cover your entire floor, or just under where you park your car.
As you can see, there are many benefits of using garage floor mats, and I didn't even mention that mats reduce the amount of dirt tracked into your home and are affortdable! It is just one small way to make your home a more pleasant place to live.