Garage Organization Systems for Bicycles
The best way to keep your bicycle in top shape is to keep it stored indoors. This article covers different ways to mount your bike in your house or fit it into garage organization systems.
Any bicycle owner knows how important it is to keep his bike in good working condition. Avid cyclists depend on their parts and tires holding up when they're miles away from home. Urban riders need their bikes in good condition to get to work on time. Even those out for casual rides through the neighborhood don't want to run the risk of a crash or a flat. What most people don't know is that one of the main causes of rusty parts and weakened tires is outdoor storage. The best way to keep your bicycle in top condition is to incorporate its home into your living space or garage organization systems.
Bicycles don't have huge space requirements,

but it can be difficult finding a space the proper shape to fit your frame. If you don't want to keep your bike in the house, you may be able to find some room in your garage. Humidity and the elements are your bike's worst enemies, so an air-conditioned space is best. If you can't find the room indoors, be sure to at least keep your bicycle in a place away from rain and keep close watch for rust on metal components.
If you have a lot of space to spare, you might want to consider a home bike rack. These metal racks rest on the floor and usually offer space for more than one bicycle to rest with both wheels on the ground. They are similar to racks found near businesses, but are typically not attached to the floor that holds them. These racks are the easiest way to store your bike, but they probably won't work in a cramped space.
If your garage organization systems have left you a little extra wall space, you might consider mounting your bike on a wall. These types of systems can be as simple as a single hook with which to hang your ride by its front wheel. Some of these even provide a second piece to keep a dirty back tire from scuffing up your wall. Other hooks are designed to be used in pairs to hang your bike horizontally by both tires. Mounting a bike on the wall can even be as simple as using a strong strap hooked to your top tube. Whatever way you hang your bike, be sure to mount any hardware as directed.
You might also consider using a bike stand to hold your bicycle. A clasp attaches to the top tube and suspends the frame above the ground. Some of these stands even have two tiers, allowing you to store one bike above the other. These type of stands are also useful if you plan on doing maintenance to your bike at home. Suspending it in the air allows you to work on different areas more easily without worrying about knocking the frame over.
Keep these ideas in mind the next time you're walking through your home. A bare wall in an extra room or a little rearrangement of your garage organization systems could provide the perfect home for your two-wheeled friend. Best of all, you'll be keeping it in good health so that it can keep you safe on the road or trails.