Your home is the most ... place. It is the place that you go to after a hard day’s work. It is closely ... with the feeling of warmth, and it is surely not a surprise that so many things
Your home is the most important place. It is the place that you go to after a hard day’s work. It is closely associated with the feeling of warmth, and it is surely not a surprise that so many things rely on the special feeling that your home gives you. Although there’s no place like home, within a matter of minutes your home can become a prison of your fears, where one mistake may result in a catastrophe. The feeling of having your house burglarized leaves you full of terror in the one place that you felt safe.
Although they are vaguely similar, the terms “robbery” and “burglary” are often misused. The Black’s Law Dictionary, 5th edition, defines burglary (which is referred as larceny in the state of Florida) as “ the breaking and entering of a dwelling house of another with the intent to commit a crime.” Usually a burglary happens when no one is home, or late at night, such as the infamous “cat-burglaries.” On the other hand, a robbery occurs when force is used. The force can be as simple as pulling a purse off of someone’s arm or by threatening someone with a weapon.
A simple outdoor motion sensor light can provide you with security against night time burglaries. With the ability to adjust the area to be lighted, the sensitivity of the sensor, as well as the duration that the lights shine, this is a simple, yet effective way to keep unwanted people away from your home. If you have outside lights already, leave them on. If the outside of your home is dark, the intruder is able to hide in the cover of darkness. If you have to leave town for extended periods of time, stop both newspaper deliveries and mail, or have a neighbor collect it for you. Piles of these accumulating in your box can be noticeable to burglars.
Invest in a timer. Timers allow you to set a on/off time for electrical items, such as lamps or the radio. If you are going to be back late at night, leave a light on inside your home, preferably at the center of your house. Overhead florescent lights provide large amounts of light at low running costs. If you have verticals or blinds, close them. By leaving them open it allows burglars to see what you have inside your home before they break in. Always keep all of your doors and windows locked. If you leave your doors unlocked, it allows burglars to enter and leave quickly, without any signs of forced entry. Do not go to sleep with your windows open. This also provides a easy entry point for burglars. If you have a burglar alarm system, use it. This will notify either the police or surrounding neighbors of the break in. If you do not have a burglar alarm you can normally get one for about a hundred dollars or buy a dog. A large sized dog, even if it is not vicious, will make noise. The bigger the dog, the less likely a burglar will bother with your home.
Although there are no sure-fire ways to prevent your house from being burglarized, following the above listed steps will let you sleep safer. Active preventive measures on your part will reduce your chances of becoming a victim of this crime.