If you're a home remodeler concerned with the value of your renovation investment, a good place to start your improvements is at the top. Replacing asphalt shingles with metal roofing has several benefits.
If you're a home remodeler looking to save money and create an easily maintained house,

one of the first places to start should be the roof. If you're dwelling currently has asphalt shingles, it is time to consider upgrading to metal. Metal roofs have several advantages over asphalt, and even self-installation for the do-it-yourselfer might be easier than you think.
In the past, asphalt reigned as the low-cost roofing material. However, upfront renovation costs are determined by more than just the initial price tag. Metal roofs can cost up to three times as much as asphalt shingles, but will last two to three times longer, have a higher resale value, require far less maintenance and repair, and once removed can be sold for scrap. And since metal is cut to order, the diligent home remodeler will have no trouble ensuring minimal waste during installation. When you dispose of your asphalt shingles, you'll have to pay a fee to the removers. Shingles can easily be blown off and damaged, requiring replacement. So while the prices may differ initially, metal roofs are a better overall investment.
Metal roofing varies in lifespan from 50 to 100 years, depending on local weather conditions and coating. Coatings include zinc, alloy, heat reflective base, and insulating paints. These can all help extend longevity, especially in areas with particularly inclement weather. One of the disadvantages of metal is heat transference into the house, which is why reflective coating or paint is ideal. It can lower increased temperatures, making your house much more comfortable and energy efficient during warm weather. Many roofs come with up to 50 year warranties, which are transferable if the property is sold.
One of the biggest perks of installing metal roofing is that it can be placed over preexisting asphalt shingles, saving time and costs for the budget conscious home remodeler. The shingles will need to be in reasonable shape and able to support the weight of the metal sheets. If all is in place, however, the shingles can act as an extra layer of protection against the elements, which can be important if your location is prone to storms, hail and heavy winds. Many hardware stores offer DIY kits with easy to follow instructions, or you can order directly from the manufacturer and ask for some tips.
When compared with other materials, metal is generally more durable and can withstand strong hail, fire, sparks, winds, and can shed snow easily. This makes it ideal for people living in climates with brutal winters, where the excessive moisture could normally damage other types of materials more quickly, and even eventually seep into the house and cause mold or rot problems.
Metal is a green roofing material due to its ease of recycling. It can be made of a composite of several different metals or a single type. There is no fossil fuel involved in production, so it has a greatly decreased impact on the environment when compared to asphalt shingles.