Inverter Technology and Honda Generators
Honda, the professionals’ choice in generators of all kinds, has raised the bar again with the release of their new inverter generators. These Honda generators incorporate microprocessor technology to adapt their speed and power output to match the ongoing level of demand.

the professionals’ choice in generators of all kinds, has raised the bar again with the release of their new inverter generators. These Honda generators incorporate microprocessor technology to adapt their speed and power output to match the ongoing level of demand. As opposed to traditional generators that run at a constant speed and power output, the new generation of Honda generators delivers only the power needed by the user making them more fuel efficient and quieter than other generators. These inverter generators are also more economical to operate and are environmentally friendly as well.Traditional gas and petrol powered generators have always been well suited for electrical appliances such as lights, televisions, and refrigerators. Consumers and businesses, however, are increasingly using high-tech equipment such as computers, printers, and other sensitive components which require constant power delivery to work properly. While the motor of traditional generators may run on a regular cycle, the quality of electrical power can fluctuate. This typically isn’t noticed while lights, televisions, and other appliances are being powered but can drastically affect the performance and efficiency of high-tech equipment.The measured and precise delivery of power from the Honda Inverter Generator provides several benefits. They include:* Because the inverter microprocessor mirrors the flow of electricity from a regular outlet, computers can be powered by Honda generators without the worry of crashes or the loss of work performed while under generated power. * The efficiency in the delivery of power of Honda generators using inverter technology means that these generators need to be only about half the size of traditional generators. The inverter generators are extremely compact and lightweight giving them a wide variety of portability options.* By only delivering the required electrical output, These Honda generators operate at highest level of fuel efficiency. Generators weighing in at around thirty pounds can deliver power for up to eight hours on one tank of gas while the forty six pound Honda generator can run for up to fifteen hours on one single tank. Honda generators have always been the preferred choice among professionals for their durability and reliability. Honda generators using inverter technology now provide solutions that protect and improve the performance of highly sensitive electronics while they are powered by generated electricity.