It’s Time to Fight Spiders, Mosquitoes and other Pest
Mosquitoes are small devils. Find out some of the many reasons why they continue to plague us.
As summertime arrives,
the pests associated with summer become an issue. In the summer time when the weather is warmer, and there is a degree of moistness in the atmosphere, pests multiply and thrive. Fleas, ticks, mosquitoes, tapeworm, botfly, cockroaches, mites, ants, flies and spiders are on the move.This long list represents just a small portion of many different pests to expect during the summer.
Mosquitoes are small devils. They are attracted by a large number of human traits like:
1. Exposed Skin
2. Dark Colors
3. Thick Weeds
4. Lactic Acid
5. Sweaty Socks
6. Carbon Dioxide
7. A chemical that we release named Nonanal
8. Incandescent Lighting
9. Limburger Cheese
10. Standing Water
To get rid of mosquitoes one of the most effective measures is citronella. Planting citronella around your home tends to keep away the mosquitoes. Bats in a bat friendly home mounted near the home can serve well, as bats will eat up the mosquitoes.
Besides mosquitoes, the next pests are roaches. Roaches have been around forever and will likely outlast us after a nuclear holocaust. They are resilient and built to last. Even freezing them has no effect on these critters. They are attracted by:
• Compost piles and bins
• Odorous garbage cans
• The water bowls of your household pets
• Makeshift shelters (such as open containers, storage boxes, etc.)
• Food and crumbs
• Moisture
• Cardboard
To get rid of roaches dough baits with boric acid in them, outdoor pet cats, bay leaves scattered around infestation points are some of the household remedies. Often the best solution is a qualified pest control professional.
Spiders are another pest worth mentioning in the summertime. They are not much of a direct pest as they actually help clear out other smaller insects by eating them. The only reason they have to go is because some varieties might be poisonous and they do create webs all over. Removing spiders in not easy as they rarely touch the surface where pesticides are sprayed. Instead, they can be killed more by a contact like swatting. However, once the insect population around the house goes down the number of spider webs, and spiders automatically goes down as insects are a major source of food for spiders. This is the reason spiders make their webs around light fixtures. Flying insects that hover around light fixtures are their food source.
Summers are a time of the year when pests multiply. It is the time when with a little bit of precaution the home can be kept completely pest free as well. The trick is in being proactive and preventing infestation before it starts.