Mold Inspectors and Your Health
Are you suffering from asthma? Was someone in your family recently diagnosed with chronic fatigue syndrome? Your home may have a problem with mold. Inspectors may be needed to come in and evaluate what the issue is.
Mold inspectors should be hired immediately if you think that your house may have issues with toxic fungus. People do not often realize that the presence of fungus in your home can mean disaster. The spread of these spores can cause allergies and health problems.
When hiring mold inspectors,

do a little research to find the right fit for your home. There are many different types of businesses out there that tout good inspections. You want to be sure you find a business that is used to inspecting homes like yours.
If your home is older, you may have a greater need to have it inspected. Older homes often have secret hiding places for spores. Look behind the kitchen or bathroom sink. Often the toxic forms of fungus grow where it is damp or where there has been water damage.
If you find what looks like mold, inspector should be hired to come in and test the area. They will be able to tell you very quickly if you have a real issue on your hands or if you what you are seeing is harmless. There are forms of fungus that are not toxic and are not generally associated with health problems. A good inspector can help you understand the difference.
Mold inspectors generally work in two forms. There are those that come in and just do simple testing. They will look around, test a couple different areas and determine if your home has a toxic fungus issue. These inspections are not involved and often do not take the time to fully explain the situation to the homeowner.
On the other hand, you can hire a company that really understands customer service. If you suspect that you are starting to have a fungus issue or perhaps have been suffering from symptoms you believe associated with living in a home with fungus, you will want to have your home inspected and treated immediately. Hire a company that will explain the process to you and give you a detailed, legible report on the problem.
In the end, if you get your home inspected by a caring, thorough company, you will be one step closer to having it treated. When you hire a treatment company, you will be able to share the detailed report with them. They will be able to give you an estimate and start work right away with out having to do any further testing or searching for fungus.
If you or members of your family are having inexplicable health problems, it is important to have your home tested for mold. Inspectors will be able to look around your home and find any problem areas that you need to have treated. They may not find toxic fungus at all, or they could find the silent cause of your health problems.