Moving Company: Reasons To Be There For The Professional Packing
Hiring packing services from a moving company can save you lots of time preparing for the relocation. Even if you are loading up boxes, you still want to be there to oversee the process and make sure that things are flowing smoothly.
There is no reason to try and handle your relocation without the help of a professional moving company. With bags to pack and furniture to be wrapped up,

you still need to make arrangements for the new house or apartment. Even though there will be multiple people working on your home, you still need to be there as a resource for the movers. If there are questions that need answers or you have specific directions for certain items, your presence will make everything flow smoothly.
No matter how well written your directions are, there are bound to be questions that the moving company needs answered. Do you want to keep all of the items from the spare bedroom together? What if the art from the walls cannot be stacked up in one location? When these questions come up, the professionals need your answer as soon as possible. Any delay in the answer means a delay in the work. It is best to be available in person as it gives you the opportunity to see what is going on and make informed decisions.
Special Instructions:
Everyone has that one piece of furniture that needs to be handled with extra special care. Even if the bubble wrap is supposed to protect it, you want an extra layer wrapped around it just in case. For these types of special instructions, you want to be there. You want to be able to take some extra time to make sure these items are properly protected. A moving company sees these situations all the time and they will be gracious as you explain just the importance of certain items.
If you do plan to stay, you don't need to be over everyone's shoulder the entire time, double-checking the work. You do want to set up a few priorities and make sure those things are handled. Once those tasks are done, talk to the site supervisor to see if there is anything else needed before you leave.
Sometimes a homeowner needs to be available to help with the organizing. If you have not left detailed notes, you can be there to assist the moving company with how you want certain rooms or items handled. This can be a little overwhelming for both you and the workers. Consider writing down the most important directions and leaving the rest up to the professionals. You can be at the house in case your input is needed but otherwise, you can be working on other things, setting up other appointments or arrangements, and putting the final touches on your relocation plan.