Moving Day Tips To Ease Stress
These tips for moving will help make your moving day go less chaotically and more seamlessly.
If you're considering moving there are plenty of things you can do to help take the chaos out of moving day starting with making your move as organized as possible. There are several different ways you can end up moving. You can have a moving company do all the packing and unpacking as well as the actual loading and unloading or you can do it yourself. If you choose to do your own packing make sure you create a system early on to avoid chaos on the other end of your move.
Take a tip from moving companies that do nothing but create organization and seamless moves by following their lead. This means when you pack- keep all of your possessions that belong together in one box together. For example don't separate lampshades from lamps or separate shelving brackets from the shelves. Eventually these items will find their mate again but in the meantime you're living in a state of unrest.
You should also use a color coding system when you pack up your boxes. For example when you're packing things they're going to be unloaded and placed in the living room at your new home you can color-coordinated boxes with colored stickers. Yellow stickers can stand for things that go on the living room red stickers can stand for things that go the kitchen and so forth and so on. At the end of your move it's a lot easier to tell the moving company to load and unload color-coded boxes into the appropriate rooms than it is to try to figure out what is in each box.Another tip that you can take and use come straight from the files of natural disaster preparedness.
Have each family member put together their own search three-day survival kit of clothing and must-have items such as iPods,

books, and toiletry items. This emergency three-day survival kit - can go into a duffel bag or backpack that stays with each person.It doesn't matter if you're moving across town or across the country eventually you're going to need to access your basic essential survival pack and instead of digging through boxes trying to locate an extra pair of underwear or your iPod or your toothbrush, make it easy on yourself and keep all of these things in one convenient location.And finally when it comes time to packing yourself up don't attempt to do it all the day before your big move.
Unless you better hire a moving company to do the packing for you start your packing now and do it in small stages as you go. There are plenty of things that you can probably pack up like last season's clothing that you won't miss or need.If you follow these tips your move should be as smooth and seamless as if the moving company were doing it for you and at the end of your move should be able to locate your essentials and easily unpack yourself without the chaos.