Need a New Sump Pump?
What is a sump pump, how does it work, and how do you know if you need one?
Some of today's homes come with a sump pump,

which helps pump water out of the basements of homes after storms have allowed water to collect around the waterproofed drains. This is a common problem in homes that are partially located below the water table. The pooled water is usually funneled through waterproofed drains then pumped away from the home to a city drain or collection well, so that there is no longer dampness in the home causing a problem. Because most sump pumps are connected to the home's electrical system, they often will have batteries for a back up system just in case your power goes out so that you can still get rid of the water in your basement after a bad storm. The sump pump basin may overflow, however, if you do not have a back up system, so the battery system is definitely needed in case of a pro longed power outage. There are two main styles of sump pumps. These are pedestal and submersible. The pedestal style has a motor that is above the pump and can be serviced much easier, but it is also visible to any guests. The submersible, however, has a motor that is completely in the pump and is carefully sealed so that the water and dampness does not cause the pump's electrical system to short circuit. If you suspect that your system is not working properly and you think you may need it replaced or you want to install a new system, you want to look for one that is reliable and includes a cover that is air tight, drains for the floor, check valves, a stand if it is a pedestal pump, and alarms so that you can be notified if there are any problems with water in your basement. How do you know if you may need a new sump pump system? Most often if you are experiencing dampness in your basement a new system may be the best option for you at the time. For years, flooded basements and crawl spaces have been the results of a sump pump failing to work properly and it is hard to find a good new one in a market full of failures. You can find many good sump pumps and a reliable one can be find for your home and your basement and belongings can be kept dry for years to come.