When considering new homes, you've got two options – buying or building. Both have their advantages and disadvantages. Which is right for you? Find out the many pros and cons here.
People who are trying to decide whether to build or buy their new homes need to be aware of all of the pros and cons of each choice. By being aware of these pros and cons,

making the right choice will be a lot simpler. Let's take a look.
Building Your Own Home – The Pros
Building new homes might be difficult but this is the perfect way to ensure that they don't require maintenance for many years to come. The wiring and plumbing in newer places don't need to be replaced or maintained and this will save you a lot of money.
New homes often come with one year warranties from the builder. If you build your home and you encounter a problem during this time, the building company will have to pay to fix it.
When building your house, you'll get to choose everything from the layout to the materials that are used. This will allow you to have the perfect home built to suit you and your family's needs.
Building Your Own Home – The Cons
Building your own home can be costly and time consuming. If you're looking to finish the job in a hurry then you might end up with a property that you don't want.
You'll have to build your yard from scratch. Old houses usually have yards that can be redesigned and this is often easier than starting from scratch. If you don’t have the money to buy grown trees and plants then you'll have to be patient.
Buying An Older Home – The Pros
Building materials and land have become quite expensive over the last few years and this is why buying older houses is often cheaper than building new homes. You not only can purchase a larger house, but the land you purchase along with the house will also be larger.
Older houses have character and this is something that is difficult to get when building a house. If you want to purchase a place that has a "lived in" feel then you will want to buy your home instead of building it.
Land is often scarce in popular locations and this means that you'll have more choice when it comes to buying instead of building.
Buying An Older Home – The Cons
Old houses might have problems with the plumbing and wiring, which can be expensive to repair or replace. If you build your house then this is something that you won't have to worry about for many years to come.
Lead paint is often found in houses that are fifty years and older. If you purchase an old house then you will need to ensure that the paint is removed by professionals so that it does not harm the health of your family.
New homes can be built to suit the needs and wishes of the owner but this is not the case with ready-built houses. These houses might have to be modified to suit your needs and this might be expensive.