New Washing Machines Offer Many Options
When it is time to purchase a new washer, you need to makes some choices. You will have to choose between front loading and top loading washing machines. The front loader machines are designated as high-efficiency (HE) machines because they use less water and energy. However, there are some top loading machines that are available today that are also designated as HE machines.
When it is time to purchase a new washer,

you need to makes some choices. You will have to choose between front loading and top loading washing machines. The front loader machines are designated as high-efficiency (HE) machines because they use less water and energy. However, there are some top loading machines that are available today that are also designated as HE machines.
For the least expensive to purchase machines, choose one of the conventional top loading machines. These machines cost more to operate in the end, however they offer a more reliable machines on the market. The HE machines, although less reliable are more expensive to purchase but cost less to operate.
The front loading machines require some extra maintenance steps to keep mold from developing on the inside of the machine. They also can be more difficult for persons having back problems to load or unload. Front loading machines are best at cleaning the clothes and cost less to operate. They offer the space saving option of stacking if floor space is limited.
While top loading HE machines should be able to offer the best aspects of a top loading machine and a front loading one, they are more expensive to purchase and some of the least reliable of all the washing machines on the market today. They are not yet available in the budget price range.
These helpful hints can be used as you shop for your new washing machine.
When choosing a washing machine always choose the largest one your space and budget will allow. The larger washing machine will allow you to do fewer loads. For one or two people a large machine should be adequate. Larger families of three to five should choose an extra large machine, while families larger than that will need to choose the super capacity machine. It is a couple of inches deeper than the other machines to provide the necessary space.
It would be easy to convince that the fewer moving parts of a touch control panel would mean less problems with maintenance; however, these controls are currently less reliable than the older knobs and buttons found on the less expensive machines. In addition, if the touch panel needs to be repaired, it will cost more than if the more dependable, but less expensive, knobs will cost to repair.
When choosing wash tubs for the washing machine, the stainless steel tubs are better than the porcelain ones. They will not chip or rust like the porcelain tubs. Stainless steel is found in nearly all of the front loading machines. It is necessary for the faster spin cycles as porcelain will not last at the higher speeds. These faster cycles can save time and money as drying takes much less time.
Select a machine that automatically sets the correct water temperature based on the cycle you select. Many machines today, especially the front loading ones, automatically set the water level according to the amount of clothing placed in the machine.