Garage cabinetry can keep the space more organized. Here are some things to think about.
Garage cabinetry is one way to organize the space where the household’s vehicles are stored. Some people’s garages are so messy and cluttered that they can’t find a thing,

much less park their automobiles in there. There’s room for everything in this area if a bit of organization takes place. Get everything up off the floor and into its proper place. Here are some ideas to clean up:
- Take everything out: In order to make a plan, it’s important to see exactly what’s in there. Take all items out and lay them in on the driveway. Now put everything into three piles: 1) trash to throw away; 2) items to sell or donate and 3) items that belong in the garage.
- Take an inventory: After getting rid of trash and items to sell or donate, take an inventory of what’s left. This will give a good idea of just how much storage space is needed.
- Cabinets: There are lots of different kinds of cabinets and cupboards. Floor to ceiling styles will give tons of storage and effectively utilize the space. Shelving within the cabinet is important too. Varied sizes will be needed including stacked shelves which can store lots of smaller items. Cabinetry may be made of high quality wood or less expensive particle board. The homeowner’s budget will play a part in this decision as well as personal preference.
- Shelving: Open shelves and cupboards are another solution to clutter. Some open storage areas look fine with exposed items while others may be better off behind closed doors.
- Peg boards: Having peg boards above work benches will be a great place to hang tools. Not only will tools be up and off the floor, they’ll be visible and easy to find when a project requires them.
- Single pegs: Heavy duty pegs can hold up a multitude of tools, yard maintenance equipment and more. A whole wall can be lined with single heavy duty pegs and clean up a huge amount of disarray.
- Hooks: Those items that won’t fit on pegs can be hung up on hooks.
- Rafters: Exposed rafters in a garage or carport can turn into storage space. Putting a platform board up in the rafters will give extra floor space to stack boxes and whatnot.
- Bins and buckets: On shelves and in cabinets, having plastic bins, buckets and tubs available to sort specific objects will help in the organization project. Gardening items, screwdrivers, nails and screws – if each container holds a certain category, it will make cleaning up, putting away and finding items much easier.
- Curtains: If all those tools and products hanging on walls appear unsightly to a homeowner, putting a curtain up to hide the wall will be an effective solution. Ordinary bed sheets can be strung across the length of the wall for a colorful answer.
Once the garage is organized into a tidy appearance, the homeowner will finally be able to park automobiles and motorcycles. This is a good time to stock up on remote batteries because the drivers of the house will be pulling in on a regular basis.