Organize Your Cabinets With These Useful Tips
Are you tired of opening every single door on your kitchen cabinets every time you want a bowl? If you are interested in cutting down the amount of time you spend in the kitchen, here are some tips that can help you get organized.
Are you tired of opening every single door on your kitchen cabinets every time you want a bowl? So your dinner plates wind up going in a different place every time you unload the dishwasher? While there are homeowners allergic to organization,

keeping things in complete disarray is only slowing you down and probably creating stress where there need be none. If you are interested in cutting down the amount of time you spend in the kitchen and actually having an answer for a guest when they ask where you keep your glasses, here are some tips that can help you get organized.
Take Everything Out:
Your first step is to nuke it all and start from scratch. Even if you happen to have one little area of your cabinets that is already semi-organized, take everything out. This includes, all of the plates, bowls, glasses, coffee cups, and so on. But don't just take them out and create an insane mixture of anything and everything on your kitchen countertop. You can start organizing from the very start. Put like things with other like things. Coffee cups with other coffee cups and plates with other plates. Try this by size. Do this not only for the dishes, but also for the pots and pans (an area many homeowners - even those who pride themselves on organization - sometimes fail to tidy up).
How often are you able to look into your cabinets and see nothing but space? This is an opportunity for a good cleaning! Wipe them out before you start putting things back in. You might be shocked at how many crumbs and how much dust can accumulate in there. Once you've cleaned the inside to a nice sparkle, line the shelves with some contact paper. This will help you protect the wood from moisture. This is also a good time to take a hard look at the items on your counter. Are spices among them? Look through them and throw out anything you never use. You may be surprised at how much you can get rid of.
Everything Back In:
Some organizers will go the extra step and advise homeowners exactly how to best put everything back. This advice isn't a one-size-fits-all proposition, however. Everyone wants their things in their own particular way. What makes sense to one person will seem like insanity to someone else. It's your house, and it should be entirely up to you how you choose to organize your cabinets. But having a system that makes sense and stays consistent will make all the difference when you try to find things later.