Paint With Confidence And Expert Know How
When you decide to upgrade a room, there is no better way to start than by investing in paint. Scrapes and stains will soon be forgotten as the fresh new color covers the old surface.
It is a wise investment,
even for those on the tightest of budgets. No matter your cultural background, you can find paints to complement your decor. Princes and paupers alike have used the application of paint to fall in love with their surroundings all over again for several past generations.
Rich folks may prefer to hire professionals to apply their latest paint coat. But the Do It Yourself person can make a new hobby out of being his own handyman. He can choose a small area or a large one and get busy learning the best techniques.
Important First Steps
Paint will not dry when spread over anything greasy or dirty. This will only cause you extra work in the long run. You will need to wash the surface you want to paint with a mild soap and let it dry thoroughly before applying paint.
It will pay you dividends to spend some time gathering all the materials you will need before starting. This includes turpentine and rags for oily paints and soapy water for water based ones. Do any protective taping before you start painting. If you need a ladder, get it and keep it handy. Check that brushes are soft and pliable and that rollers are in working order and free of hairs or specks of dust. Put something under the paint tin so drips do not migrate each time you move it.
Make a plan
A train runs best on a set of tracks. A painting job is most easily accomplished when you have a clearly thought out action plan. You will know where you have already painted and where your brush has not yet been if you are using planned system of application. Decide on the order of your painting. Will you start in the center and work outwards? Will you do the perimeter first?
Clean up As you Go
Take care not to let paint start accumulating where it is not supposed to be. Try to keep yourself and your equipment as paint-free as possible. This prevents things from deteriorating to the point where a huge clean-up job is required at the end of the job.
Allow the Paint to dry Before assessing for missed Spots.
Paint goes through several shades of visible color before it is completely dry. Allow the paint to dry as per the manufacturer's instructions before deciding what has to be touched up. You will only be able to see imperfections accurately when the paint is dry. Because paint dries slowly, sometimes shadows will trick the painter into thinking that some patches are darker than others. This leads to repainting. Patchiness is the result.
Taking a well prepared approach to painting will save you much additional work. You will also save paint. The job will look more professional and people will be impressed with your skill and ability.