Pest Control That is Humane and Nontoxic
Not all pest control relies on poisons or deadly traps. In fact, it is often preferable to humanely and organically address a nuisance animal.
Considering how best to address an infestation in the home can be one of the more trying and stressful situations of many people's lives. They are disgusted and overwhelmed by the number of creatures,

and they feel like for every one they dispose of, there are two that take its place. This feeling leads a homeowner to see their situation as hopeless and to feel stymied by the inability to feel at home where they live. Whether the intruder is simply a cockroach in the kitchen or as serious as a rat infestation beneath the porch, there is a solution in professional pest control.
Pest control takes any number of forms. Usually people think of the exterminator as a man who comes into their home or business and sprays noxious chemicals or leaves dangerous traps, where they may be ingested or set off by children or pets. We all have heard some sort of urban legend horror story about a child or a dog killed when they ate rat poison, thinking that it was actually candy or a treat or something. While these things are not unheard of, many of the people who work in this field have begun using any number of less noxious methods for remedying the problem of unwelcome visitors.
Some pest control has taken on the field of nonfatal disposal or evacuation of creatures. For some animals like raccoons or possums, rather than kill them, which can be messy and smelly should the carcass become trapped in a wall or ceiling, the contractor will opt to humanely trap the animal. In situations where this happens, a decision is made on whether it is a candidate to be relocated to somewhere farther from civilization or if it would be preferable to simply put it out of its misery if it is infected with a disease or perhaps itself facing an insect problem.
Another option for safer pest control is the use of nontoxic or non-chemical based methods of destroying the animals that have encroached on the living area. For example, bed bugs are notoriously hard to get rid of. Professionals are often called in several times to one location in the hopes of removing the nuisance. Unfortunately, because they are so small and breed so quickly, unless you are assured that you have found and killed every single adult and all of the larvae and eggs, they often come back just as virulent. While they can be hard to kill in traditional ways, they also have a very small temperature window in which they can thrive. Because of this some exterminators have discovered that sealing off a home and increasing the temperature inside is incredibly effective in fully annihilating all of the infestation. The fact that everything is killed is obviously a huge benefit, but that is not the only great aspect to this technique. Because all it uses is industrial heaters, there is no risk of contamination with chemicals of bedding, clothing, or furniture. After the treatment is completed there are no residual ill effects to be wary of.