Plumbing, electricity, and other luxuries
This article talks about our luxuries taken for granted like plumbing.
We in America are very used to indoor plumbing. It brings us our drinkable water and it takes away all of our waste. It would be pretty annoying to have to constantly go to an outhouse to go to the bathroom,

or go to the well to draw our water. Especially if it was winter, the water might even be frozen, making it much, much harder to get the water in a more drinkable form. The word plumbing itself actually comes from the Latin word for lead, because way back when the pipes were made of lead. Of course, they are no longer made of lead, considering that lead is poisonous to humans and drinking water that had been passed through lead pipes is not a good idea. It probably contributed to people getting sicker and dying earlier.
In the 1800s plumbing really took off. The reason that there was a rapid expansion of plumbing was that there was a major expansion in the amount and size of cities. Because of the rapid expansion, they needed a better way to transport waste and water, so that they could control disease. Before plumbing, people would sometimes just dump their chamber pots into the streets or rivers. This promoted the spread of disease and plagues. After World War II, lead pipes became much less commonplace because people realized the danger of lead poisoning. Pipes were then made of iron, soft copper, and then harder copper with soldered fittings. In much earlier times, the whole system relied on gravity to take away or bring the water. Today, the whole system relies on pressure, usually high-pressure pumps.
There are so many modern things that people probably wouldn't be able to or want to live without. Electricity for one. Without electricity, we would have to live like they did before electricity. We would need to go to sleep when the sun went down, unless we had candles. And candles were usually a little difficult to read by or do any work by. Also, they had to be replaced often. More than that, with electricity comes things like computers. If we didn't have computers, things would be very, very different. Computers and the internet are both fairly new. But even though they are new to society, they permeate almost all aspects of life. Today, we all get up and check our email, check the weather, see what's on the schedule today.
Our missiles are programmed with computers, and so are our spy drones. Many of our airplanes have computer autopilots in them. We can do our banking using them. Even our phones have become like mini portable computers. There are so many modern conveniences that many people would not want to live without. But in some areas and some countries, they don't have these things. There is a major technology gap, which like the income gap, is growing. Some people live daily without things that we take for granted, like pipes, the internet, and electricity.