Pool Remodeling and Repairs - The Basics
Pool remodeling and repairs are usually best left to the guys who get paid to take care of them. When it comes to buying a new watering hole for the family, make sure you understand the problems that may come with each type and purchase according to your needs.
For the most part,
pool remodeling and repairs are best left to professional companies. While there may be small jobs the average homeowner can tackle on their own (depending on the type), most of these jobs require extensive equipment and experience, not to mention manpower. Even so, it pays to be informed so you know what you are getting into when it comes to these problems. The more you know, the less likely it will be that you’ll get taken advantage of when it comes to price and time. You also should know the difference between a job that needs to be taken care of now and one that can wait.
Your specific pool remodeling and repairs will depend on the type you own. They are generally made out of one of three materials: fiberglass, vinyl, or—most commonly—concrete. If you’re deciding on buying one, you should know the weaknesses of each one and the likely service you’ll need down the line. With a fiberglass structure, it’s unlikely you’ll run into any problems with the structure itself. It is very difficult to crack fiberglass, so your main problems will probably be from discoloration due to chemicals. This is usually a cheap fix, as an acid wash can take care of even the worst discoloration.
If you are working with vinyl, you have to be careful of tears. If the tears are small enough, you can usually get away with simply fixing them and moving on. Larger tears, however, will require a complete replacement. On the other hand, it isn’t terribly expensive to replace a torn liner. The top of the line pricing is usually under $300, and many can be found under $100.
Concrete is the most popular material, but it is also the most costly to repair. If you live in the north and are subject to extreme cold, the concrete may be susceptible to cracking when the water freezes and then thaws. As with vinyl, smaller cracks in the concrete can be fixed. Larger cracks, however, may call for a complete overhaul, which can be very expensive.
Of course, pool remodeling and repairs don’t begin and end with the material that makes up the structure. There is also the filtration system to consider. These problems can also run the gamut from very easy to fix to very expensive and time consuming. If there is a problem with your filtration, always check the hoses and connections first, as these will be the simplest solutions. Following that, call out the professionals and have them take a look at your pumps.