Proper Carpet Maintenance
Carpeting can be one of the most durable investments you make for your home. You paid a lot of money for your carpets and chances are you want them to...
Carpeting can be one of the most durable investments you make for your home. You paid a lot of money for your carpets and chances are you want them to last for many years to come. However,

with routine care and maintenance, years can be added to the life of your carpets and rugs. Follow these simple guidelines and learn how to keep your carpet looking its absolute best.
Before you vacuum you should use a carpet rake to rake the carpet. This does not need to be done every time you vacuum but doing using a carpet rake one or two times a month is a good idea. Your carpet gets matted down from walking on it and creates pockets that trap in dirt.
Frequent Vacuuming is Key
Regular vacuuming is perhaps the easiest and most dependable way to giving your carpet a longer life. Many people may not be aware that frequent and thorough vacuuming is one of the most important (and easiest) things you can do to help retain your carpet's original appearance.
You may sometimes find tiny balls of fluff or loose fibers on your carpet or in your vacuum cleaner. Fortunately in most cases, this is not cause for alarm, as it is the normal result of fiber that is left in the carpet during the manufacturing process. Proper vacuuming with a high quality vacuum cleaner will usually cause this shedding to disappear if your carpet is relatively new, and removing these large fibers will not affect the life or appearance of the carpet.
Clean Spills Quickly
Take some hot water at first and blot it. This will clean most of the basic stains. If that does not work then research a cleaning product that is designed to get up the exact substance that was spilled on the carpet. Go for the specialty products. You can buy them online or take a visit to nearest departmental store.
Re-Stretch Carpet
As carpet ages due to time and traffic it becomes loose and lumpy. You can fix this by having it re-stretched. You would be surprised by how new it will look once you do this. You can personally do it if you are a do-it-yourself type or you can pay a company to do it for you. It can be done is less than a day. If your carpet is at least 10 years old this is something you want to do in order to renew the life of it.