Research Makes Finding a Plumbing Expert Easy
Fixing a broken tub can be difficult so don't hesitate to call a professional. Just be sure to check for their licenses, get information on warranties, and do your research before hiring the perfect plumber.
As you put the kids to sleep,

you hear the sound of running water. Assuming that little Tommy left the sink dripping, you enter the bathroom to find Noah's flood on the floor. There's a leak in the bathtub pipes and it's pouring out water at the rate of about a gallon a minute. This is definitely not good, especially considering that you're new in town and haven't had to use a plumbing specialist before. So how do you find a good guy to come in and fix your pipes? Well, there are a few simple tips you should take a look at before making your final decision.
First, you will want to make sure that you check their plumbing license. If they're worth their salt at all, they'll be licensed by the highest review boards and will have been given very good ratings by all their customers. This will also insure that they carry insurance to protect you in case something goes wrong. Of course, it will also protect them, but you're more worried about you, right?
When you think you have someone in mind, you should see if anyone you know utilizes his or her services. A good recommendation will go a long way towards making you feel more comfortable letting them loose around your house. You can also search online for ratings from other customers. If you know that the plumber comes highly recommended and has more good stars than bad will tip the balance in his favor.
Before you hire them, ask them a few questions. Don't worry about being rude or hurting their feelings - unless you're prying into their personal lives - because they should be up-front and open about anything concerning their job. A good question to ask is how long they have been in business. If they're a relatively new plumbing company, that's not a reason to discount them right away, but it is worth knowing and checking into.
Ask about their guarantee. Do they have one? If something goes wrong with their repair job, will they come repair it for free or will they simply brush it off, say 'sorry', and move on? If they have confidence in their work, they'll put their money where their mouth is and offer a warranty or guarantee in case something unforeseen should happen.
A plumber can give you an estimate over the phone, but they won't know the full extent of the situation until they're in front of it. It might not be a bad idea to have them come and survey the problem and then provide you with a more accurate estimate. You might also want to get estimates from several different companies so that you can be sure the one you like isn't ripping you off.
Whatever your situation, hiring a plumber isn't hard. It simply takes some research, forethought, and time to find one who won't rip you off and will do a good repair job. It's not a bad idea to find a plumber now, before the tub breaks, so that you're ready when Noah's Flood does make an appearance.