Roof Repair For The Average Homeowner
The need for roof repair should never be neglected. Even a slow leak can allow for the perfect habitat for the growth of mold and mildew, which can create even bigger obstacles in the future.
The roof of a home is the first line of defense against the elements. It is made durable enough to withstand any weather conditions,
including heavy snow, wind, and rain. Although most roofs are made to last up to 30 years, there may come a time within that time frame when the roof may need a few repairs. There are a few signs that homeowners should pay attention to that would let them know when their roof needs at least a little check-up. Furthermore, catching repairs before they become big problems can help expand the life span of the roof.
Most roofs are made of asphalt shingles. This material is so popular because it is durable and can withstand most cases of extreme weather. However, certain locales will experience more than the average amount of snow or wind at any given time, and this can greatly affect the integrity of the asphalt shingles. This is especially true during the winter months when snow accumulation can cause a roof to collapse. During an above average snowy season, more snow accumulates before it has time to melt. This eventually adds extra weight and water to the roof, which can be a problem either as the snow melts and turns to water, or as it accumulates and adds weight and pressure. Occasionally, the snow will melt and cause “ice dams.” This water accumulation seeps into the underlying tiles, which will eventually begin to leak into the home. Roofs are typically made at a slant to prevent some of this accumulation, but constant snowfall will eventually lead to some need for a roof repair. Likewise, the need for roof repairs may arise from extremely hot conditions. During summer months, the roof is exposed to more direct sunlight and UV rays. If the weather becomes extremely hot, this can cause the roof shingles to curl and crack. This type of damage is not always noticeable until it begins to rain, so it is best to check the condition of the roof after a long heat spell.
Leaks in the home are the first indicator of a damaged roof. Sometimes this can be as subtle as a moldy smelling attic, which some homeowners may falsely believe is acceptable. However, a roof is meant to protect all areas of the home, including the attic. Therefore, if the attic is not completely dry, then it is time to go onto the roof to check for any cracks or broken shingles.
The need for roof repair should never be ignored. Even a slow leak can create the perfect habitat for the growth of mold and mildew, which can create an even bigger problems in the future. Protect your home with regular roof repair and maintenance.