Selecting the Type of Pine for Your Pine Beams
Pine beams can be constructed from different types of pine. You are faced with a variety of choices. Two of the most popular types of pine for beams include white pine and yellow pine. Here we look at each of these excellent choices for your home.
This type of wood is used for a variety of different purposes in a home. It is a versatile and durable type of wood that can be used to make ceiling beams,

cabinets and furniture. It is also commonly used for flooring. Pine is strong and is very easy to work with.
Pine beams in a home can give it a comfy cozy and welcoming look. Many people think of it as being rustic in nature. Beams made of pine can call attention to the ceiling and work well in many different types of houses. They are also an excellent choice for a summer cottage or a winterized cottage.
There are different types of pine beams. If you are looking for beams made out of this wood then you will be surprised and amazed at the selection that is out there. White pine beams are very popular but so are pitch pine, heart pine, reclaimed pine, reclaimed heart pine, laminated pine, antique pine and yellow pine.
White pine is a clean looking type of wood that is pale in color. If you look at it closely you will see that it has very few markings inside the grain. White pine has a smooth appearance and a fine grain texture that makes it an ideal choice for anything that is highly visible in your home. This includes ceiling beams, as well as interior walls and cabinets.
White pine is used a great deal in woodworking projects and house building. It holds its shape very well which makes it a viable choice. It is also a kind of wood that is resistance to such problems as shrinking, swelling, splitting and warping. White pine is considered to be one of the superior woods to use as a permanent foundation for both enamel as well as paint. White pine is grown in North America and is also sometimes referred to as northern white pine, soft pine and eastern white pine. If you want pine beams in your residence then beams made of white pine are worth considering! Not only are they attractive to behold but they will also stand the test of time.
Yellow or southern yellow is a smart choice for areas in a home or surfaces that will be used a lot. Many people feel that they have made a good choice when they choose yellow pine for the beams that will be in their homes. Beams are supportive after all and you want to choose the very best wood for the job. Yellow pine will not let you down in this regard!
Yellow pine is one of the most cost effective types of wood and it is also very abundant. Both of these features make it very popular. It is ales a versatile kind of wood. In fact southern type is one of the most common building blocks for everything from beams to floors to the construction of boats. This wood was the primary type of wood that was used to build things back in the 19th century. When it comes to pine beams, yellow pine is an excellent choice that you will not regret choosing.