Solar Power: Make The Sun Work For You
Using photovoltaic panels can be an ecologically and financially smart move. Use the sun's power to warm your home and put money in your pocket. Read on to learn more about solar power.
Harnessing the sun's energy is not a new concept. People from multiple generations in many places on Earth have used the sun's power for various applications for hundreds,
perhaps thousands of years. Solar power is (passively) used for drying food, drying clothing and for warming homes. As technology has advanced, so has the use of the sun and its abundant energy.
Today when the term “solar power" is used, most people think of the panels they see on the side of the highway or atop businesses and homes. Those panels are photovoltaic panels that are used to convert sunlight into energy. Another way to harness the sun's energy is to use thermal collectors to transfer the heat of the sun to air or water. Photovoltaic panels and thermal collectors are used as part of alternative energy solutions.
The conversion of sunlight to energy using photovoltaic panels is becoming more and more popular. Business owners and homeowners are installing these panels on their roofs in an attempt at “going green.” They use these panels to provide electricity to their homes and businesses while they reduce their dependence on the electric companies.
So, how can installing these photovoltaic panels on your home or business help you to use the sun's rays for electricity? The panels convert the sun's energy into direct current. This direct current is then converted to an alternating current by use of an inverter. The alternating current is what is needed to provide energy to the appliances in your home.
There are several benefits to using this alternative for your home or business. First, you will be less reliant on your usual energy provider. Since you will be generating your own electricity, you will be able to use less of theirs. Depending on the type of system you use, you may be able to sustain your home or business 24 hours a day with solar power. That's the second benefit – possible autonomy from your local utility company.
Another valuable benefit is the ability to export excess electricity to your electric company. Yes, you read that correctly! If your photovoltaic panels are producing more energy than you need, you can export it to the electric company and earn money for your excess solar power! This is particularly beneficial if you live or work in a very sunny area. The sunnier your location, the more power you can harness. The more you harness, the less reliant you become on the electric company.
The last benefit to address is energy tax credits. Currently, homeowners are eligible for a 30% tax credit when they install a solar power system. This can help offset the initial cost of the system. Your state may offer tax benefits as well, so be sure to check to see if you qualify. Additionally, businesses can also claim a 30% tax credit and 85% of the Solar Project deductible. If you have questions about these credits, consult with your tax preparation expert.
Taking advantage of alternative energy is a wise investment, both ecologically and financially. The financial investment of today will reap ecological benefits in the years to come.