Some Stain Removal Techniques For Odd Spillages On Floors
When faced with the task of stain removal there are many stain removal techniques that can be used, however you have to choose the right one for the job. Popular ways include cleaning with ammonia, bleach, certain enzymes, D-Limonene and even baking soda.
Know your floorWithin the home there are often a variety of floors,

including marble, wood, asphalt tile floors, brick floors, vinyl and also ceramic tile floors. With non-porous surfaces there is no risk of staining (such as vinyl and ceramic tiles), however wood, marble, asphalt and brick floors need better care.
AmmoniaAmmonia is a gas compound that kills bacteria and gets rid of stains fast. It is a common ingredient found in glass and window cleaners, floor wax and other cleaners. If you get blood stains on your floor, try to clean it with a solution of ammonia and cold water. If you have none close to hand, You can also use any nail polish remover to rub the stain clean. Iodine is great for cleaning up cuts and wounds but when it stains the floor, it can be difficult to clean; these stains respond well to ammonia and water. If they are stubborn, you may want to soak a piece of cloth in the solution and leave it on the stain. While using ammonia, be careful with your eyes and skin, as this gas can irritate you. Some people get a burning sensation, and need to wash the face and eyes and use a skin moisturiser.
BleachIf you have been sloppy while dying your hair and drop some on the floor, get some bleach and mix with two parts of water. Those with a wooden floor need to dry it out fast, as water is bad for wood. Bleach works towards breaking down the molecular bonds of germs and stains. Food and drink stains are best cleaned with bleach. MOst restaurants use this on their flooring to ensure the full removal of germs, bacteria, and stains.You will also find that it is the active ingredient of many stain removing and cleaning products that are sold under fancier names. However caution is needed as When mixed with certain cleaners it bleach creates a toxic chlorine gas.
EnzymesEnzymes and D-Limonene are active ingredients of many cleaning and stain removing fluids. Enzymes are commonly used in washing detergents. They can help remove food, grass, soil, and blood stains. D-Limonene work well on removing alcoholic beverage stains, candy, grease, fresh fruit, ink, lipstick, rubber heel marks and stains caused by paint, varnish and oil stains.
Baking SodaIf you have pets or kids and find urine stains on the floor, simply use liquid bleach with water, and then rinse well with clean water. On wooden floors use a scouring powder such as baking soda. It helps remove shoe polish stains from wood as well. When fighting a tough stain, mix some baking soda with water to form a paste, and leave it on the stain for a few hours. It also helps remove fruit, wine and baby’s vomit stains.So if you want to be prepared for the majority of stains, make sure you have a collection of all five stain fighters in your house will help get rid of any stain type. However do remember that care needs to be taken with certain floors, such as solid wood flooring, engineered floors and carpets when they stain.