Spring can Spell Rodent Problems
Rodents are constantly lurking around outside looking for a permanent place to stay. If you give them access to heat, water, and food, then they would certainly appreciate it. You will always need to do your best to keep them outside during the spring.
Rodents are constantly lurking around outside looking for a permanent place to stay. If you give them access to heat,

water, and food, then they would certainly appreciate it. You will always need to do your best to keep them outside during the spring.
It does not take a huge crack or crevice to give them access to your home. The opening only needs to be large enough for them to fit their heads through as they are capable of squeezing the rest of their body inside after they get their head in. Make sure you periodically inspect your home for the presence of these cracks and have them repaired as soon as you find them.
You will need to check virtually every area around your home. It is particularly important to pay attention to areas such as the attic, basement, and crawl space.
Many homeowners rely on the use of traps to keep their rodent population from getting worse. Traps are only useful if you have a minor infestation though. If you do need to use a few traps, then one of the best baits to use is peanut butter.
Do not put down traps and expect for rodents to get caught easily though. They are smarter than many people give them credit for. It is important for you to put the bait on traps that are not set for a few days first. After they get used to feeding from the trap, you can then set it and start checking it on a daily basis.
You may also want to consider using a natural deterrent such as peppermint oil. The scent is too strong for them to handle. Simply put a couple of drops on cotton balls and place them near areas you suspect rodents can use to enter your home.
The most important thing to do to keep rodents out of your home during the spring is to ensure there is no food source for them. If you need to keep foods such as flour or sugar on your countertop, put them in airtight glass or metal containers. Pet food in a dish should not be left over for long periods of time either.
It is important for homeowners to be aware that rodents can climb and jump very well. They can climb trees and use them to jump over to your home if the branches overhang the roof. It is best for you to trim back all branches to keep this from happening.