Looking for an environmentally-friendly way to enjoy a hot shower? Some commonly asked questions about tankless water heaters answered.
If you're tired of rushing through showers or waiting,

washing laundry in cold water, or anytime you have to wait for the hot water to kick in, you might consider looking into purchasing a tankless water heater. These compact and energy-efficient alternatives can save you money and are good for the environment.
How do they work?
Traditional heaters take a moment to warm up water, which is why you often have to leave your shower or sink running for a minute before you can step in. Tankless heaters instantly heat it up and are often advertised as operating "on demand."
Many companies claim that these units can provide a continuous source of hot water, which means no more cold surprises mid-shower. However, some consumers argue that this isn't always the case.
Where can they be used?
They come in two main varieties, one of which is point-of-use, small tanks that are installed directly where they are to be used such as in showers, near sinks, or by laundry machines. They only are capable of heating in that specific area, which is why some people buy multiple point-of-use kinds. There are also those designed to handle the whole house, but they are generally much more expensive.
What do they cost?
They are generally more expensive than traditional ones for initial purchase and installation. If you are planning on buying them for multiple areas of the home, that will also increase the cost. Most tankless heaters are in the range of $800 to $1300, but that is without installation. The installation costs can vary greatly depending on your home. Older homes might require some ventilation and electrical upgrades in order for the system to work properly, which can end up adding another few thousand dollars onto the total cost of purchase and installation.
How much money can I save?
Much of your savings will depend on how much you spent on your heating needs previously. Most moderate users will save a few dollars average per month for a total of up to $100 per year. While this may not seem like much when compared to the purchase and installation costs of tankless heaters, the systems tend to last many years longer than their traditional heating counterparts. Most, with regular maintenance and care, last well-beyond ten years which is about the amount of time it will take to, at the very least, pay for itself.
What are some other benefits of installing one?
Besides saving you some cash and providing you with long, hot showers, there are many other benefits to installing these heaters. Many models come with federal tax rebates that can further offset installation costs (remember to ask when purchasing). Point-of-use systems are compact and can even be placed outdoors. They're particularly handy for outdoor showers or bathrooms. One of the most appealing benefits to these heating units is that they are green and energy efficient. They are much more environmentally-friendly than their traditional counterparts.