Termite Control
Termites are pests that can cause major damage to homes and often they are not detected until extensive damage has been done. Strangely, termites are similar to people. They are social in nature and will, if left undetected, tear down your home, piece by piece.
The termite family consists of several million very busy termites and they work in an organized way and feed on cellulose; cellulose that causes their large family to grow even more.
Most termites are small and are soft and light in color. They have often been referred to as looking like small pieces of rice. Every day termites seek and find food,
take care of their ever-growing nest and take care of the Queen and other family members. Termites are so secretive that the only time you might see them is when they are reproducing. When they swarm, they have often been referred to as looking like swarming ants.
Termites can cause extensive damage to homes and that is why they need to be eliminated as soon as possible. Getting rid of termites is a job that requires skills, patience and a knowledge of how these pesky insects work, live and breed because they are well hidden and getting access to them is often difficult and frustrating. In addition, termite control equipment is specialized; using such machines as pumps, masonry drills, large-capacity tanks and soil treatment rods. Using such equipment requires a professional who knows exactly what to do.
Licensed exterminators are trained to inspect your home and check its construction in order to locate the termite infestation area and then take a course of action that will effectively eliminate the termite problem. It’s important to note that termites multiply quickly and can cause serious damage in a very short period of time. That is all the more reason to act quickly and protect your home.
An example of a treatment plan may involve many gallons of liquid pesticide such as termiticide. Termiticide is poured into the ground beside the foundation of the home, underneath concrete slabs and inside the foundation walls of a home. With such an operation, it is best to seek the help of professionals, for they know exactly what to do and how to eliminate termites from your home or other property.
Before choosing a termite company, make sure that they are licensed by the Department of Agriculture or another such agency that is responsible for taking care of termite control in the state. References should also be available and if they are a member in the state pest control association, they will have better access to training and technical information that is necessary to do the job efficiently and professionally. And, this will be a plus factor for you in getter better quality service.
So, don’t delay. If you suspect termite problems in your home, call a termite control company today and put your mind at ease.