The Dreaded Pool Liner Leak
A pool liner leak is one of the most dreaded occurrences for many owners. Pool liner leaks should be repaired right away to avoid further problems, and these helpful tips can assist you in getting the job done.
A pool liner leak does mean a new liner. It does mean that you need a quick repair. Most leaks result from the pool liner being ripped by a toenail or a fingernail as well as sharp objects such as broken glass or something else that should not be around a pool. If you think you have pool liner leaks,

you must inspect the liner underwater and see where they are located. This is so important to do before the rip gets worst and makes it necessary for the liner to be replaced. Fixing a Pool Liner LeakIf you find pool liner leaks, you need to fix them immediately. If the leak is under water, you must drain the pool down about a foot below the leak. If it is a rip or a slice, you need to allow the area to fully dry before you do any repairs. You will need a pool liner repair kit or a pool liner patch kit. You will follow the directions on the package, which are very easy to understand. After you have the patch adhered to the liner, you need to allow it time to set before filling with water. Replacement or RepairingIn some cases, the pool liner leak is due to the age of the liner. You will then need to think about replacing the liner. This is an expense that everyone dreads hearing. If you can possibly repair the leak, you will save money, but sometimes that liner will just keep spring new leaks. You will have to inspect the pool liner to see if the pool liner leaks are from sharp objects or is it due to wear. If it is because of sharp objects and the liner looks to be in good shape, you can just repair the leaks. If the liner shows signs of wear, you may have to replace it. Leaks Need RepairSome people think that one little pool liner leak is not a big deal and leave it go. The facts are that a leak allows water to get between the liner and the cement. This can cause other problems with the pool. Where is the water going to go? It is going to accumulate and eventually pull down on the pool liner. Then you are going to have more than just a leak problem. The liner will need to be pulled back up to the top. This is not a job you can do yourself. If you are losing water quickly, you need to inspect for pool liner leaks. If you find a leak, it is not okay to leave it. The pool liner leak must be fixed right away. You can use a repair kit and save yourself future problems with the liner. If the liner is worn, you may need a new liner. Everything depends on what you find when you inspect the pool liner. Inspecting the pool liner should be a few times a month if the pool has a lot of people using it.