The How To’s of Concrete Pavers
How to tips for making concrete pavers from molds.
Concrete pavers are a relatively quick and efficient way to pave a portion of your outdoor property. Molds to make concrete pavers are very useful when considering concrete pavers. It’s hard to leave your own personal mark on things these days,

but with the use of a paver mold, you can design things just the way you like. What Are the Uses For Concrete Pavers?There are many uses for concrete pavers. The most common use for regular concrete pavers are for garden walkways. These add some elegance and beauty to the garden area and are mainly used for décor. Molds to make concrete pavers are a bit more universal. You can make large or small molds for various sized areas. Larger ones are commonly used to create flooring for outdoor patio areas. Large blocks of stone are much harder to lay. Molds can be used to make nice patterned blocks that are more appealing to the eye and far easier to lay. Tips for Using Molds to Make Concrete PaversUsing concrete pavers can be very intimidating. But, the process can be very simple! Here are some useful tips for making concrete pavers. - An overcast day may be the best day for you to work. Don’t start the project if there is a threat of rain because it can dilute the newly poured concrete. - If the area you plan on paving already has a theme, try to stick with it. There are many molds for you to choose from, choose something that can add to what décor you already have. - When working, make sure to rinse your tools. You don’t want the concrete to harden on your tools; it will be far easier to get the concrete off of the tools when it is wet. How to Make Concrete Pavers1. Purchase (or make) a concrete paver mold for your project. If you go ahead and purchase three of four, you may be able to finish at a quicker pace.2. Get a rough estimate of how much concrete it will take to fill your mold. You want to get it as close as possible so you don’t mix too much or too little at a time. 3. Choose a level place to set up your mold. When you pour, you want the mold to be level and secure so your paver doesn’t end up unlevel.4. Use a release agent (or type of oil) to lubricate the inside of your mold. This will help to release the concrete paver when you’re ready to place it. Be careful not to use too much, you will get pitting on the paver if you get puddles.5. Start mixing your concrete. Be sure to read the label for information about how many parts mix to parts water.6. Pour the concrete into the mold and wait for around 48 hours. Then, place your mold into a cool area for about a week. 7. Begin your project! Molds to make concrete pavers can help to save some money, effort, and time. Check out your local home improvement store to look at your many options!