The Joys Of Hiring A Cleaning Service
Working parents have their hands full and cleaning house is just not always a priority. Sometimes you need a cleaning service to help you make the mess go away.
When you work all day long the last thing you want to do is walk into your home and clean. If you have small children or pets that task might seem even more dreadful than it would if it was just you and your spouse. It's hard to want to pick up the mess after a long day of work. That's why cleaning services were invented. They can help you do what you don't want to.
A good cleaning service can come in once a week and tidy the place up. If you don't want to do the toilets,

then don't worry about it they will handle making sure the toilets are spic and span. As disgusting as it sounds these services live to make sure that everything is clean and sanitary before they leave, and yes that means wiping off the base of the toilet where your three-year-old son missed when he was trying to be a big boy.
When a cleaning service comes in they will vacuum, dust, put things away (if they know where they go) or at least straighten things up (if they don't know where they go) and polish. Yes that means they do windows. Most of them even do baseboards, and let's be honest when is the last time you wiped the baseboards down at your house. They make beds too.
Unless you have contracted it out to them, 95% of the cleaning services will, unfortunately not do the laundry. They are there to pick up your home not clean your clothes. But if you happen to have laundry already folded but left on the table they will stack it neatly into a basket for you so that you can put it away later.
Cleaning services are there to make our lives easier. They can do your home in around an hour if they come weekly, two hours if they come every other week. For most working parents, a three bedroom-two bath home can take three or more hours to clean. Why? Because we have to deal with small children interrupting us, dogs and cats not staying out of a freshly mopped kitchen or the kids dump out their toys on the floor just as you enter the room to clean it.
When you hire someone to take care of the mess, they don't have that distraction. They can get in and out and you can get on with your life.