Panel fencing is one of those necessities where style is frequently overlooked and most people tend to go for the cheapest option, but the cheapest option is not always the most cost effective option and stylish fence panels are not massively more expensive that the basic option.
In England today around 90% of residential homes use wooden panel fencing as opposed to other forms of boundaries such as concrete or steel fencing (usually used by commercial premises) or hedges (which were very popular in the 1970’s and 1980’s, but do hedges require fortnightly or weekly maintenance especially throughout the spring and summer months) this makes replacement fencing a very lucrative market for timber merchants, joiners and professional fencing companies. Most people believe that the required maintenance is very limited and is simply a case of replacing these fence panels every couple of years and giving them a coating of preservative each spring, but it isn’t as simple as that and if you want the exterior of your home to look aesthetically pleasing to passersby, friends and family you should pay more attention to the type and style of the panels you choose.
The biggest seller in the UK is the budget fence panel which is the type that is stocked by most well known DIY retailers and garden centres, they are economically made using soft timber, un-treated nails and usually come either treated with a low quality preservative or not at all, now these budget panels do their job and do make the exterior of your home look nice for a short while, so they are ideal if you are selling your home and this isn’t meant to be a long term solution, because come the winter months they will quickly perish and discolour, rattle in the wind and may even blow right out during storms and high winds. So if you don’t intend to move house and are looking for a long term solution then you should avoid the DIY retailers and garden centres and contact a professional fencing company to replace your fence panels with premium quality vertical board fence panels. A premium fencing panel should be constructed of harder wood, put together with high quality galvanised nails and be pre-treated (before assemble) with a high grade, premium preservative, they are thicker, so don’t rattle in the wind and the vertical boarding construction makes them much stronger.
When using a professional fencing company you can even add a little style to your fencing as most fencing companies offer more than just the basic square panels, you can have panels with convex or concave tops (inward or outward arches) or panels with a trellis on the top to add even more style to your garden, some companies even offer bespoke design along with gates, sheds and summer houses to match and the best of all is that these panels usually last 4 or 5 times longer than their budget counterparts making them more cost effective.
When employing a tradesman or company for any kind of job it’s up to you, the customer to do your own research and to make sure that you are choosing the best man or company for the job in hand, ringing a small advertisement in your local newspaper where all you have is a couple or lines of text and mobile phone number may see you getting a sub-standard job with nobody to complain to. The best tool these days is the internet as nowadays almost every established business has a web site where you can view their products or services ( in this case the type of fence panels that they offer) and see examples of their past work and read customer testimonials. A genuine fencing company will have an actual premises where they manufacture their fence panels and a real landline telephone number that they can be contacted on.
Choose the Correct Grade of Fence Panel to Save Money in The Future
The type of panel fencing that your property or business needs depends on a number of factors, timber fence panels come in all shapes and sizes from soft pine to hard cedar wood and what you choose depends a lot on your circumstances or situation.A Manufacturers Guide to Choosing the Correct Grade of Fence Panel
The type of panel fencing that your property or business needs depends on a number of factors, timber fence panels come in all shapes and sizes from soft pine to hard cedar wood and what you choose depends a lot on your circumstances or situation.Liverpool Fencing Company Stresses the Importance of Fencing Maintenance
With summer out of the way and winter looming, it's time to prepare your timber panel fencing for the harsh winter ahead. Bad weather, rain and strong winds can damage your panel fencing which can lead to you having to replace them before their time.