Flooring and carpet installation must be done by a competent installer in order for it to look great. Here are some considerations.
In order for it to last and look good,

all types of flooring and carpet installation must be done by a competent installer. Whether you're laying tile, laminate, wood flooring or carpeting, if it isn't put in by a professional, even the highest caliber of materials will end up looking shoddy. There are various considerations when you're hiring an installer. Here are some things to think about:
- Word-of-mouth recommendations: One place to get word-of-mouth recommendations is from the place that sells carpeting, laminate and other types of flooring. They may be able to give you some business cards of contractors in your area. Asking interior decorators for names is another great way to hear about the best of the bunch.
- Get references: Asking for names of references is a good way to find out about the quality of work your potential installer does. It's important to call each reference and ask whether they were satisfied with the job that was done and whether they'd hire the person again.
- See their work: If at all possible, it would be advisable to check out some homes or office buildings where the potential installer has put in tile, wood floors, laminate or carpeting. Seeing the results up close and personal will tell you plenty.
- Training and certification: Ask about the training and certification of your professional. Those that work with carpeting should be following the Standard for Installation of Residential Carpet, CRI 105. This standard means that the worker has learned about power stretching rugs and sealing the edges properly. Without these abilities, the surface could appear rippled and uneven.
- New house concerns: In new construction, the subfloor must be even and fully dry before any type of flooring product is laid on it. If it's cement, this must be settled, cured and sealed. If it's a wood product, it must be smooth and dry.
- Chemical vapors: New carpeting can put off chemical vapors which can make people in the home feel sick if they inhale them in a closed space. This odor will evaporate over time and it may be helpful to air out the house for a while after installation and before taking up residence.
- Flooring adhesive: If any type of flooring is being attached to the subfloor with adhesive, it should be left in place for at least a day to dry before moving heavy furniture and appliances over it. If this precaution isn't taken, the flooring may shift into improper alignment.
- Choosing the carpeting, tile, wood or laminate: The flooring a homeowner chooses will depend on budget, taste and décor. It helps to bring samples back to the home to compare with furnishings. Asking a decorator for help may be advisable, too.
Having new flooring placed in a home can make a huge difference in how it looks. Choosing a competent installer will be the key to creating a beautiful and long lasting floor. Tile, laminate, wood or carpet installation will be something to enjoy for years to come.