Troubleshooting Indoor Condensation with your New Replacement Windows.

Nov 13


Jordyn Whitman

Jordyn Whitman

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Condensation: The water that collects as droplets on a cold surface when humid air is in contact with it.


When it comes to indoor condensation,Troubleshooting Indoor Condensation with your New Replacement Windows. Articles it is very rarely because of the window but because of the contrasting climate and temperatures on either side. The winter months are when it is most common for condensation to appear. Usually, it is always temporary. For example, if the replacement windows in your kitchen becomes “sweaty” when boiling water but it goes away when you are done, it is purely environmental and signals a window that is sealed properly.

It is easy to think your new windows are the problem because it may not have happened with your old windows. More than likely the old windows had shifted within their frame enough to allow a draft in or out. These drafts or leaks will allow the moisture in the air to disperse, which results in a window without condensation, which is very common with new window replacements. Often, the presence of condensation will signal that the window is perfectly sealed without a draft or leak. This is how the best window installations should be and condensation is definitely natural from time to time.

If you are concerned about keeping the condensation down to a minimum, especially if the moisture touches more than the glass, there are steps you can take to reduce it for your new window replacement, This will also help detect if there is a problem.

  1. Humidifiers
    The winter months are when we pull out the humidifiers. Whether someone in your home has become ill or the furnace made the air too dry, these tiny appliances add much-needed relief. If you have one, keep it as far away from your windows as possible so the humidity disperses properly.
  2. Use your fans
    Keeping the air in constant movement will lessen condensation or help eliminate it completely. There is a switch at the base of your fan. If necessary, flip the switch so your blades spin clockwise. This will help circulate the warm air and push it back down instead of condensing in one spot. Similarly, kitchen and bathroom fans turned on when showering or cooking will help.
  3. Have a look at your indoor plants
    This works similar to the humidifier. Groups of plants near each other can give off humidity. If you suspect some plants are too close, separate them a bit, especially if they’re by a window. There are also indoor house plants that work to absorb humidity. Boston ferns, English Ivy, Reed Palm, Lilies, and Tillandsias are great choices to keep your home green while absorbing excess moisture from the air. This won’t solve a condensation problem by itself, but it can help.
  4. Use the window
    Crack the window open a little bit and the condensation should go away shortly after. The cool, dry air outside will assist in not only letting moisture your homes air out, but it will evaporate the moisture on the inside of the window.
  5. Remove household items that release moisture for long periods of time.
    If you can, try not to let your wet clothing air dry after laundering. If you have firewood, store it outside in a dry place until you’re ready to burn it. Check all faucets for drips or sinks for standing water, assuring drains are in proper working order.

6. De-humidifier
If you don’t mind purchasing something, a de-humidifier will do the job for you and whisk the moisture out of the air. Just make sure you test it and keep it at the appropriate setting for the comfort level of your home.

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